Marcus x Reader: Crazy

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Type: Fluff • Word Count: 1771 • Genre: Sad

(Y/N)= Your Name • (Y/E/C)= Your Eye Color • (Y/H/C)= Your Hair Color

(Third Person P.O.V.)

"Why is Douglas so clingy!" Marcus thinks angrily to himself as he rearranges his satchel strap on his shoulder. "Constantly telling me, 'make sure they don't know your bionic.' 'Don't forget to recharge.' 'Try out for Oklahoma! Make your dad proud!' Does he ever stop nagging?" Marcus growls quietly frustrated at his creator.

Douglas made his mission sound so easy. When it wasnt! He had to act like a clueless, suck-up, who had a major social disorder. He didn't want to hug Donald Davenport again. The thought made the young android shudder.

And not to mention the new development. The Davenport's friend, (Y/N). Douglas said get on her good side, appeal to her, and gain her trust. And maybe, just maybe, she would slip up and let Marcus know some dirt on the Davenports. Which wasn't easy. (Y/N) seemed wary of Marcus' never-ending fake optimism.

Marcus, as of late, seemed to get a little flustered around (Y/N). Why? He didn't know. Maybe it was the way her lips looked when she smirked, or the way her (Y/E/C) eyes sparkled, or- WHOA. What on earth is he thinking?

Marcus entered the main entrance of Mission Creek High, his tennis shoes slapping against linoleum.

There she was, (Y/N), she drove him crazy. She was simply just leaning against her locker lazily waiting for class to begin. How could someone be so beautiful and not know? How could she get in Marcus' head like this? He thought about (Y/N) often. He couldn't help it. Just one thing. One thing held him back.

He was an android.

It ruined everything. And at any rate she could be scared of him, she could think Marcus is a monster. He didn't know. He wasn't even supposed to have these feelings! He is a robot!

"Get on their good side." Douglas' words echoes in Marcus' head. (Y/N) was a good of a start as any. A great start in Marcus' opinion.

As he started making his way towards (Y/N) Marcus sees Trent, the high school idiot who wore disturbingly short shorts, approach you.

He cockily grinned checking you out not-so- subtly. Trent leaned against the locker next to you, running his hand through his hair. Marcus guessed it was supposed to be a flirtatious. You raised your brow in disgust, the whole scene unfolding before Marcus. Trent tries to get closer to you, flexing his muscles. You shove him off telling him to back off.

That was a red flag for Marcus. Trent was saying something to you under his breath, something Marcus couldn't quite catch.

He decided to use his enhanced hearing. "-and why not?" Trent asked agitated, his face contorted as he looked at you angrily. "Because, Trent, I'm just not into you. Please back off, you've been pestering me for months." (Y/N) replies uncomfortably backing away. Trent advances towards you, getting too close for comfort, thinking quick Marcus intervenes.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)," Marcus says casually wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You didn't know why, but it felt right. Plus, he smelled good.

Marcus said nothing, praying (Y/N) would play along. After all it was for her. "you ready for me to walk you to class? You know, I can't wait for that date tonight." Marcus smiles broadly, his nose wrinkling slightly.

Trent backs off in awe, "You-your dating- scrawny man? What about me!" He whines pointing between the two of you.

You said nothing a little bit confused, but knew what was happening, and you decided to trust Marcus. You've seen him around some. Besides, Chase seems to really like him. And maybe so did you...

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