Adam x Reader: Simplicity

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Genre: Sweet • Word Count: 157 • Type: Fluff

(Y/N)= Your Name

You felt a gentle tap on your shoulder, "Mhm?" you mumble sleepily, your mouth stretching into a yawn.

'Hey!! Get up!" As whispers, his voice not quiet at all.

You turn over, "My alarm hasn't gone off, yet. Wait." you pulled your blankets tightly over you getting ready to drift away.

"No, come on, (Y/N)!" he pesters. "I want you to see something."

Growling, because you couldn't ignore his adorable cries for attention you roll out of bed, "Fine, but please leave me alone after this."

He smiles as if that were a promise, grasping your hand he drags you to the backyard patio.

"What?" you say hugging yourself, it was cold.

Adam stays silent, simply pointing to the sky.

Shooting stars shot across the everlasting ebony night as if putting a show on for the two of you.

You grin, "I can't believe-"

"Make a wish," he whispered.

And you did.

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