Adam x reader: A Little Tired [REQUEST]

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Type: Fluff • Word Count: 573 • Genre: Sweet

(Y/N)= Your Name • (Y/H/C)= Your Hair Color

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Chilling in the lab with his legs propped up on the holo-table. A new piece of furniture was added to the advanced high-tech laboratory, the Davenports couch that belonged in the living room.

So absorbed in his show, Adam doesn't even here you stumble in from the back of the room.

You sigh heavily, plopping your mission bag on the floor. You had just returned from a grueling mission and it had taken its toll on you.

You look around the underground lab and saw the couch. You laughed audibly, "Adam?" you say walking towards him.

"Uh, hey baby!" he calls back to you never looking back at you. The huge screen which was normally used for mission debriefings had the old American cartoon Popeye the Sailorman instead.

"Adam, " you laugh tiredly, "Why did you drag the couch down here?" you climb over the headboard of the couch and plop next to him.

Distractedly, Adam stretches his arm behind you and fondles locks of your (Y/H/C) hair. "Because no one is home, and I like watching tv in my room." is his reply, his kind brown eyes still glued to the screen.

"Fair enough," you reply, after all, it was some solid logic. You sigh letting him play with your hair.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Adam asks sweetly, looking at you.

You nod resting your head against his shoulder.

You would never admit it but getting bionics had taken its toll on you, and sometimes after missions you just wanted to sleep and never wake up again. You had assured Donald Davenport you could handle the pressure of bionics, and you wouldn't let him down.

Adam studied you for a moment forgetting his show. "Come here, (Y/N)," he said. He patted his leg, and you kicked off your heavy boots, put your feet on the couch, and laid your head on his leg.

Breathing deeply you close your eyes and let Adam massage your head with his fingers. This is nice, you think.

"You seem tired, everything all right?" he asks, now tracing his index finger up and down your arm.

"Yeah, yeah. It's all right. This mission just took longer than normal." you reply, opening your eyes to see Popeye uppercut the brutish Bluto.

"Tell me more, sweetie." he continued soothingly.

You yawn, "Well, it was some refugees from a natural disaster, and since I went alone it was a little exhausting. But I'm ok, just tired."

"You handled it well, " Adam praised, "Everyone is safe and sound, your home in one piece, and I and you get alone time."

You laugh, "Yeah I have a pretty good deal."

You both sit in silence, and slowly your eyelids droop and close as you enter into a dream world.

When the episode is over Adam asks, "You want to watch ano-" he looks down at you. You were in a deep sleep using his thigh as a pillow.

Adam smiled. Quietly, and softly he took off his jacket making sure he didn't stir you in your sleep. Covering your shoulders with it, he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and turned down the tv.

Ever since then, after missions, Adam had taken particular care for you. He made sure you were comfortable and always had your favorite show ready to watch with a blanket and promised cuddles.



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