Marcus x Reader: Maybe [REQUEST]

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Type: Short • Word Count: 302 • Genre: Sweet

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You and Leo were walking into school. And he had not stopped talking since the bus stop.

"I'm telling you, (Y/N), he's crazy! And no one believes me. Surely you do. I know you do. Because we are best buds. Right?" he elbowed you playfully.

"Yes we are friends, but I haven't met this guy. How can I judge him?" you reply maturely?

"That is not the answer I need. I need support! I need my friend! I need-" Leo was cut off.

"Hey, Leo!" someone greeted cheerfully. You didn't recognize him. He had floppy brunette hair, a slender build, and mysterious grey eyes.

"It's him!!" Leo whispered not so secretly.

You nodded, understanding. "And hello..." he held out a hand for you to shake.

You took it. "(Y/N)."

the stranger smiled, "Beautiful name."

You raised a brow, "Thanks."

Time Skip brought to you by my insomnia •

Marcus was spending the night at the Davenports. "Adam, you never told me you had another sister," he said laying down in his sleeping bag. The boys decided to camp out in the living room for the night.

Adam laughed, "You mean Chase? I thought you met him already." he munched on popcorn.

Marcus rolled his eyes. "No, " he replied patiently, "(Y/N)."

Chase entered the room, holding DVDs in his hand. "Uh, she isn't our sister. That'd be weird."

"She isn't?" relief flooded through him. Perhaps he wouldn't have to ruin her life. Maybe he could get to know her. Maybe Douglas would let him.

Maybe he would get a chance to understand what being human was like. To not be the evil robot he was intended to be. Maybe with yo,u, it would be possible.

Oh man.
I did a bad job on this one.

- G

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