Adam x Reader: Any Other Way [REQUEST]

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Genre: A little sad • Word Count: 1017 • Type: Sad Fluff

Requested by: ellasfood

You burrowed deeper into your hoodie on the couch. Bree sat comfortably next to you, a blanket spread across you both.

You had known the Davenports for forever. And spending the night was rather common for you, Tasha even called you her 'second daughter'. And a girls night with Bree was exactly what you needed. You felt stressed out lately and just needed to chill.

"What movie you wanna watch?" you ask staring at their huge plasma television. Even movies were better here, especially because they are in glorious HD.

Bree pouted, "Let's not watch a movie. How about..." she thought for a moment. "Tell me a secret." her honey-colored eyes sparkled.

You scoffed, you didn't consider yourself interesting, nevertheless, have anything super secretive to say. "I got nothing, Bree," you say. You really didn't want to play that game. It made you feel like a sixth grader.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" she pleaded bouncing up and down on the couch.

You smiled half-heartedly, "Really, I don't have any secrets."

Here rolled her eyes, "Everyone has a secret."

"Fine, " you resigned, "What's yours?" your (Y/E/C) flashed mischievously.

"I'm bionic," she replied flatly.

Scowling you hit her playfully, "Ok, I already knew that!"

"(Y/N) say something! I don't care if it's a stupid secret. Like, uh, you still watch Dora the Explorer or something. I don't care!"

You laughed, she was relentless, "Ok fine. I, let me think.." you looked away. Should you tell her? You brushed it from your mind, you should tell her something stupid. Besides, she probably wouldn't like the fact you had been crushing on her brother, Adam. But yet, despite all of Bree's stupid boyfriends she told you. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

And before you could stop yourself you said, "I like someone, but I'm afraid they won't like me back."

Bree lit up like a Christmas tree, "No way! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" she shook you back and forth.

"No, that's all I'm saying Bree," you replied crossing your arms across your chest.

"Well, " she said sullenly, "Why wouldn't they like you? Your an amazing, beautiful person. I say go for it. After all, they can only say no." Bree encouraged.

You blushed, "No, I'm not. And that's what I'm afraid of, them saying no."

"You are, (Y/N). And he is an idiot if he does say no."

"That idiot is your brother." you laughed.

Bree's jaw dropped, "NO! Him! What! But when, how, why?" she questioned. "Argh, which one?" she groaned.

You smiled softly, "Adam."

"Yeah, he is an idiot. I can't believe you like him!" she exclaimed. "He would never say no to you! He loves being around you." Bree grinned.

You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, "He wouldn't like someone like me anyway. How could he like being around me?" you wondered.

Why you? You weren't special. He could have any girl at school. All the cheerleaders, volleyball players, and well, any other female at Mission Creek High was crushing on him. Including you.

You felt like you couldn't compete with those girls. And how could you? You were average, ordinary, and to you, not that attractive. You had acne, pudgy sides, flabby thighs, your hands look weird, and your eyes were too big or too small. Your hair color was boring and so were your eyes. Your height wasn't right, neither was your weight and all the girls at school? Well, they were perfect. You snorted when you laughed, you were good at things that normally girls aren't good at. And you felt like a stupid worthless idiot for liking someone like Adam.

"I just do." answered a deep voice. Your eyes went wide. Behind the couch, stood Adam, who was running a hand sleepily through his hair.

Bree squealed excitedly and promptly excused herself. Wait! You wanted to say, Don't go! But your heart was stuck in your throat.

"Is that ok?" he asked his voice husky from being tired. You didn't say yes, but you looked away embarrassed. "(Y/N), I should have said this a long time ago, but I've always loved you." he walked around the couch and sat next to you.

You couldn't believe it. Did he just say that? To you? How? Why did he? Adam Davenport was sitting next to you, confessing his love, in an old t-shirt and plaid pajama pants.

"I've always wanted to tell you, but you're out of my league." he chuckled softly as if he were embarrassed to say that.

You were at a loss for words. Adam interrupted your thoughts, "I wanted to tell you. I just haven't, because I'm scared-"

you cut him off, "Adam, I can't. Not now, I just, I can't." you muttered. You wrapped your arms around you. "I'm sorry but, "

"What do you mean? You said you were afraid of being told no, (Y/N), I'm telling you yes. What wrong?" he asked, his voice and eyes full of hurt.


"Tell me, please. If you tell me I will walk away, and won't bother you again. If that's what you want." he bargained, his heart tearing in two.

You smiled sadly, "Why me? Why would you want me? I'm no one, and yet you love me?" you say your voice breaking.

"Of course, " Adam reassures taking your hands into his large warm ones. "Who else would I love? I couldn't imagine anyone else. Your perfect, beautiful, and because you don't know it makes you more adorable. I love seeing you, I come back after missions so I can see you. I can't imagine life any other way, " he smiled.

Your body shook softly with silent sobs. You couldn't believe it. You wouldn't. How? You couldn't grasp it.

You felt his strong arms surround you, and he moved you closer to him. He wanted to feel you, to hear you cry, to feel your hair against his cheek. He loved you the way you are.

You are all beautiful, whether you realize it or not. If you don't see it, someone else does, and they love you because of it.

- G

Sorry ellasfood this story is crap

- G

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