Leo x Reader: Brave One

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Word Count: 581 • Genre: Funny • Type: Fluff

(Y/N)= Your Name

(Third Person P.O.V.)

Leo and you were sitting on the Davenport's couch. You were wrapped in a huge blanket, your knees pulled up to your chest and Leo was unsuccessfully trying to find something to watch on the tv. He aggressively pressed buttons on the black remote flipping through channels and movies.

You groan, "Leo we have stared at this channel guide for fifteen minutes! Pick a movie!" You throw your head back against the couch staring at the ceiling.

"It's because I've seen them all. I want something new." He counters his thumb steadily pressing the button on the remote.

"Wait!" You exclaim loudly slapping the remote out of his hand trying to get him to slow down. Leo jumps in his seat not expecting that. The remote falls to the floor as you look at it hopelessly because you didn't want to reach down.

He looks at you, ebony eyes wide, "What, (Y/N)!" Leo yells, "You about gave me a heart attack." You ignore him, "Go back to that movie, the previous one." You order motioning your finger up and down. Leo rolls his eyes, "Sure babe, after I restart my heart!" He bends down to grab the remote pretending to be mad.

Instantly, his hand shoots back up as he holds his thin wrist gently, staring at the off-white carpet like a dragon just appeared there. Leo is silent looking at the carpet seeming utterly petrified.

"What on earth, Leo?" You question his behavior striking you odd, "What's your problem. Why are you so quiet?" You bend over looking at the ground.

"Spi-spi-" he sputters fear trembling his body. You scrunch up your face, "Sp-spph?" You copy his incoherent words staring at his lips trying to understand. But Leo just shakes his head and extends his index finger pointing to the ground.

You roll your eyes. "Speak up you overgrown baby." You raise a brow placing a hand on your hip. But Leo's mouth was agape so that he clearly displayed his uvula.

You peer over the edge of the couch and a small spider, no bigger than your fingertip, desperately tried to crawl away from Leo's scuffling feet.

You immediately shot back up your hair flying wildly behind you almost hitting your beau in his face. "Leo!" You exclaim dissapointed in his courage, "You whiny little girl. That spider was miniscule!" "Just kill it!" Leo shoots back folding his legs up under him on the couch.

You quickly stomp your foot on the ground ending the spiders life within a second. "I can't believe you," you begin, "what if there's a tarantula? What would we do! Because I ain't gonna kill it. So you better." You say swiping up the remote and jabbing it into Leo's chest.

You slump back up against the couch waiting for him to turn on your movie. "Well, thank you, oh brave one." Commends Leo. You mumble a whatever as he presses play. As soon as the opening credits begin Leo simply states, "But we both know I could easily handle a tarantula." He lazily leans back extending both of his arms like a cross draping them across the couch. "Oh yeah?" You reply in disbelief. "Yeah sure." He nods with fake confidence.

"Sure whatever. Brave one." You joke kissing his cheek suddenly. Leo smiles kissing the top of your head snuggling in close. Only if he knew what you were planning.

Let's just say that Adam knows a tarantula guy.

Well, this was awful lol. Guys I'm running outta ideas!!

Peace, 🤘

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