I'll Always Love You; No Matter What

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Blood Diamonds: Chapter 33

~A Few Days Later~
~Charnae P.O.V.~

My son, yes he still doesn't have a name yet, is the most precious being in my life. He was so innocent and pure, I couldn't help but supply him with an over abundance of my love. The nurses have been showing me every last aspect of Motherhood, which was a lot.

Joel comes by every day, if not twice if he can, to keep me company and show love to my little boy. Travie also comes by but when he can, school has been hammering him and then with such tight deals going on. When he comes, he only pays attention to my son. So it's nice to see that they care for the little boy, despite not knowing who the actual father is.

"Y'all awake?" I heard Joel whisper as he cracked the door open. When his eyes landed on the little boy, I saw a spark of happiness and it was like he didn't even see me in the room anymore. One thing both Travie and Joel don't do, is say the Daddy word around him. "I see lil' man's awake." He smiled as he walked right over to his little cubby and scooped him up.

"Yeah we've been up for a little while."

"How are you feeling?" He took a seat in the chair next to me. "Did you already feed him or not?" I saw my son start to be a little restless.

"Not yet, you want to?" He nodded his head and I passed him a bottle that was already ready. "Also I feel alright. I just feel a little weak and tired." I said with a yawn.

"You'll start to feel better as you get more sleep. If you want you can go on ahead and sleep. I'll stay up and take care of him." It was already around 10 at night, not to mention a school night too.

"You have school though and are you sure you can take care of him-"

"I don't have a 1st period tomorrow and yeah I can. Remember I've had to help with my little cousins." Oh that's right I forgot. He has way more experience with new borns than me.

"If you don't mind-"

"Nah I don't. This'll be bonding time with his favorite person aside from his Mommy." He cooed. It was so cute to watch him hold the bottle and how he looked over him. It was just love that he had for the little boy and it just put a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. "Before you go to sleep, when was the last time Travie was here?"

"He was here last night."

"Oh alright. That's good he's at least stopping by. My parents say congratulations by the way. I was talking to them finally on the way over here."

"Aw tell them I say thank you." He nodded his head and I settled more comfortably under the covers.

~Arlie P.O.V.~

Dontario's been up here and let me just say I was shocked.

He was like the perfect blend of Joey and Heather to the point where I felt like both of them were staring at me through one body.

"So what were my parents like anyways?" He asked as we were walking around town. Everyone else was out doing their thing, so it was just Dontario and I for a while... not to mention I haven't told her yet about her son.

"Which parent first?"


"Your Dad was the biggest dumb fuck I had ever come across. Like really. He did all kinds of dumbshit that landed him in juvy and court too many times to keep track. He liked to be involved in shit, he never started it, but he somehow weasled his way in. Not to mention he has a lot of children up here and over in Nevada, which he never cared to take care of. But  he was a genius. He knew too much and had people after him because they want to know what he knew. There are secrets to the game that I don't even know that that nigga knows. He took those secrets to the grave when he pulled that trigger on himself." That's just fuckin' terrible.

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