2; What?!

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"My baby Jennie is really beautiful as always." Mrs. Kim says as she scrolls Jennie's picture that had been taken during their last photoshoot.

"Of course she is Eomma." Kylie says as she looks at her younger sister.

All of the siblings are at home eating dinner. The fan meet went well.

"Unnie, you're also beautiful. I always wonder why you didn't join the idol life." Jennie says and resumes at eating her food.

Kylie is beautiful, rich, she doesn't have the height though, but it's okay.

"Right. Kylie, you're good at singing and dancing." Jun Myeon compliments as he digs in to his food.

The reason why Kylie doesn't want to be an idol is because she doesn't want to be compared anymore.

Kylie is always compared to her siblings so instead of being a kpop idol, she chose to be a photographer.

"Nice joke oppa. Hey, where's my ketchup." She searched the ketchup and found it. While she is applying it to her food, she remembered something  "Eomma, what is the surprise all about?" Kylie turns her head to face the old woman.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you dear." She says and turns to her husband. "Why don't you tell her Honey?" She asks.

"Kylie dear, you're going to marry Byun Baekhyun." The old man says.

"What?!" Kylie suddenly shouted. Jun Myeon chokes, Jennie drops her chopsticks. All of the Kim siblings are in shock abecause of that sudden news.

Jennie gives her brother a glass of water. She pats her brother's back.

"Hey! Where are my baby Kai and Kuma?" Jennie escapes from the shocking news.

"It will be in two months dear. The announcement will be held tomorrow at our resort." The old woman says and drinks her water.

The Kim family is very rich that they have a resort of there own, more of a private resort in which only rich people or idols can come.

"But what if he loves someone else?" Kylie asks.

Of all the questions that she can ask, she asks this. Of course she can say that Byun Baekhyun of EXO? Omo! He's so handsome!

But no, what really matters for her is what other people feels.

"He's not in a relationship." Mr. Kim says. "You have no choice baby girl." The old man added.

A deep sigh is released by Kylie. She can't believe that she's going to marry the kpop idol she adores the most.

She doesn't have feelings for the young man but she likes his personality.

"But-" Kylie is about to say something when Mrs. Kim just tells her that it's going to be fine.

Kylie doesn't know what to do. Is she going to be happy? Because wow, it's Byun Baekhyun. Or she's going to be sad?

It doesn't matter anymore. As long as the boy is happy with her it's okay. Her feelings doesn't matter.

As long as Baekhyun is happy with her, her feelings doesn't matter.


The sun's shine beams through Kylie's window. Stretching, she stands and sees a light blue dress besides her closet.

 Stretching, she stands and sees a light blue dress besides her closet

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She goes out of her room and goes to Jun Myeon's room. She wants to know what her brother feels about this.

She knocks twice and it opened. Revealing a boy who just got up from bed.

"Oppa, is it okay?" She asks.

"It's okay for me if it's okay for you. Baekhyun is a kind boy, he'll be a good husband." Jun Myeon says as he rubs his face.

"Okay oppa." She smiles lightly and hugs her brother. "I hope it's okay for him."

"It will be, stop worrying. Hey, do you know that I must marry first because I'm the oldest but no?" Jun Myeon is trying to make his young sister happy.

"Because your really shy around girls. I will not be shocked when you'll not be married" Kylie said and chuckles.

"Go, I might cancel your wedding." Suho smiles as he adores the beautiful eyes of his baby sister.

"If he doesn't want to marry me, you may cancel it." Kylie smiles a little and leaves.


"Kylie, the event is starting, wear your dress now." Mrs. Kim points at the dress.

There's no turning back. I have no choice. I have to marry him.

Kylie thinks and wears the blue dress.


Is Byun Kylie okay? Wow, I want to replace Kylie. Haha.

So guys, what do you think will be Baek's reaction?

KyBaek! Wut?

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