15; Photoshoot

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"Do you have a schedule tomorrow Kylie?" Jun Myeon asks his sister who is eating noodles with her chopsticks.

"Photoshoot with Baekhyun at 10:00 a.m." If before Kylie is the one who does this, now, Jun Myeon does it too.

She always have schedules with Baekhyun.

Kylie and Baekhyun

'Me and Baekhyun have a schedule in that.

Me and Baekhyun have to go there.

Me and Baekhyun have to this.

But their will be no Me And Him together forever.'

{A/N: Please also read "Me And Him" my other book😂😉}

Kylie thinks as she eats her noodles.

"What about you Jennie?" This time, Jun Myeon asks his little sister, Jennie.

"Practice room." Jennie says and continues eating.

"Is ketchup good with noodles?" Kylie asks her siblings who are busy eating too.

Both Jen and Jun laughs a little.

"I don't think so dear." Suho answers in the middle of laughing.

"Unnie, it's okay if you love ketchup, just don't be crazy." Jennie laughs.

The siblings are busy these days and now they can't even cook food. They just ate noodles. But, they always make those meals meaningful, as long as they have each other. They will be happy always.

Especially that a few months from now, Kylie will be marrying Baekhyun. Only Jennie and Suho will be left and both of them will be busy in their different carriers.

They have to make the fullest.

They have to make the best memories.

Until the moment that they will split up.

But one thing is sure - They will treasure each other in their hearts.


"Kylie, hurry up." Baekhyun tells Kylie who is eating.

Today is the day for their photoshoot.

Suho already left for work while Jennie is also preparing for their practice.

"Don't worry." Kylie says in the middle of her scrumptious meal. She can't enjoy it better because of Baekhyun.

"Just hurry up, I don't want to be late." Baekhyun says angrily.

It's already 9:15 am and Kylie forgot to wake up early.

"Unnie, I'll go now. Goodbye, and also to you Baekhyun oppa." The girl wearing Gucci farewells to her sister and future brother-in-law.

"Goodbye Jennie, take care." Kylie says as she brushes her teeth.

"Bye Jennie, practice well." Baekhyun added.

Jennie goes out of the house and goes to her work.

"In the Kim siblings,you're the most sluggish." Baekhyun harshly tells Kylie.

Kylie is used to this hurtful talks from Baekhyun. She can endure it.

She'll endure it until the end of her life.

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