26; I Miss Her

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Baekhyun opens the fridge and finds out that he forgot to buy groceries. EXO was so busy these days.

He cooks eggs and serves them on a plate, he serves rice too. Being quiet all time, he is not really feeling good between him and Kylie.

He sits and ignores what he truly feels. He loves Taeyeon and that's final.

While eating, he suddenly wants ketsup to dip the egg.

Is he getting crazy?

"What am I doing?" He asks himself while eating.

He enjoys eating the egg with ketsup.

"Ketchupeuuu." Suddenly, he hears a familiar voice in the other side of the table. He lifts his head and finds Kylie.

He blinks again and finds out that he was just imagining her. The image fades away.

He goes to his room and opens his phone to see his instagram account.

He sees his post with a picture if Kylie.

"This one, you look cute. Wait, you're always cute."

"Nice joke Baekkie, you're cuter than me."

These words are echoing on his mind. These are the words they said while choosing the picture to post.

Next is his post with Kylie,  when they chose their wedding dress and suit.

Which now is useless.

"Let's take a photo, I'll post it on Instagram. Pose like this."

He smiles and when he realizes that he is happy at that time. He ignores it again.

He must hate Kylie and love Taeyeon.

He decides to call Taeyeon to report the great news that he and Kylie already broke up.

He presses the call icon. After seconds of ringing, Taeyeon picks up.

"Hello Baekhyunie!"

"Taeyeonie, can we meet at my house today? I have a good news for you." Baekhyun smiles.

"Sure hon, when?"

"Lunch, I'll prepare for the both of us."

"Okay dear."

Baekhyun ends the call and a smile escapes his face, his box smile that can make all people fall in love with.

He's just, so happy.

{A/N: Do you remember the sign that I always use when I cut scenes? It looks like /\/\/\ but now I can't use it since I changed my keypad recently. So, I'll use **** instead.}


Taeyeon gets off from her car with a mask on her face, hoodie, which was a gift from Baekhyun and pants.

She looks like she's not Kim Taeyeon.

She rings the bell and immediately, a short boy opens the door.

Baekhyun quickly gets her in because maybe, there will be people who'll see them.

Taeyeon sits in the couch while Baekhyun closes the gate.

"I miss you Baek." Taeyeon says and hugs him. They were busy in their schedules that they didn't have a time for each other.

"I miss you too." Baekhyun says and hugs her too.

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