11; Chanyeol Knew?!

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Baekhyun is now driving Kylie home. The both of them are silently focusing on the road.

"Get out." Baekhyun commands Kylie coldy. The girl lifts her head looking to Baekhyun with her jaws dropped.

"Why? We'- I mean I'm not at my home yet." Kylie wonders why. Is Baekhyun going to drop her here? At who knows where? Baek is going to leave her?

"I was expecting that you'll do good at the press con but what you did sucks." Baekhyun says and clicks his tongue.

"What do I have to say?" Kylie's mind is full with confusion.

"Your explanation is good but why did you even told them that we're close with each other?" Baekhyun says.

Kylie doesn't understand any of Baekhyun's words. "So what?"

"Why didn't you told them that it was edited. Or you could say that haters did it. Or you could just say that 'oh gosh, the news is not true.'" Baekhyun even asks like a girl at the last part.

"Eh?" Kylie massages her head, she still doesn't understand what Baekhyun is saying.

"Just go." The cute guy orders the pretty girl.

"O-okay..." Still confused, Kylie hops out of the car.

Kylie fixes her skirt. She is about to say goodbye but Baekhyun drove away.

It's not far though, I can go home.

Kylie thinks and starts to walk.

"So I'm the bad person now? I'm supposed to be your fiancee. Why don't you just marry Taeyeon instead? Since you love that girl marry her.

Aish, Baekhyun-ah think please. Marry the person you love. And please be careful. Sasaeng fans are out there.

And also-"

Kylie is about to say something when she bumped to someone.

"Omo, I'm really sorry." Kylie apologizes. The short girl picks up the cellophane full of marshmallows.

"Kylie?!" Kylie lifts her head to the person who just spoke, her jaw drops.

"Omo! I'm really sorry Xiumin oppa." Kylie bows.

"It's okay." He said and stands. "What are you talking about lately?"

"It's nothing oppa." The short girl looks down.

"Stop lying." He says.

"Min Hyung! Wait for me." A giant elf runs to Xiumin.

Chanyeol used Min so that people will not know that Xiumin is not Xiumin.

"Oh, hello Chanyeol oppa." Kylie bows perfectly at 90 degrees.

"Shh." The giant elf covered the short girl's mouth. "People may hear you." After that, he releases his big hand.

"I'm so sorry."

Kylie wants to tell them the truth. She wants to release the pain that she's hiding since. She wants to cry until the pain is gone and ready to take new pains. Still, she knows that challenges will come, but at least, she has a friend to cry on.

"Kylie, what are you talking about earlier?" Xiumin asks Kylie again.

Even she wants to tell it, she can't. "Oppa, it's nothing."

Pain is made to hide.

Pain is what you'll carry in your whole life.

Pain is a curse, you can't abolish it.

It will stay with you, forever.

"I heard you saying Baekhyun's name and the words marry, person, love, saesang. What does it mean?" Xiumin held Kylie's hand.

"Come on Kylie, it's just me and Min hyung. You can be open to us." Chanyeol touches the girl's shoulder.

"Baekhyun and Taeyeon, ummm, they, they-" Kylie lifts her head down.

"You knew." Chanyeol said.

Chanyeol knows about the relationship of Taeyeon and Baekhyun all along.

"What? They?" Xiumin still doesn't understand them.

"They are.... In a re-relationship."

Xiumin eyes widens and his jaws drops. He can't believe it.

"Wait, what!? Are you sure? Chanyeol, you knew? But he is ingaged with Kylie!"

Chanyeol grabs Kylie to his car and Xiumin follows too.

"I'm going to tell Suho that you're going to be with us tonight."

Chanyeol drives them home.


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