6; Pretend

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Their dinner is done. And still, the two of them are still pretending.

"I'm really happy for you unnie." Lisa says happily and hugs Kylie. The rest of the members including Jennie says the same.

"Thank you Lisa." Kylie smiles widely. The sparkles in her eyes can be seen.

"Unnie, are you still going to be our photographer even though Baekhyun oppa is your husband?" Rosé asks.

"Of course. I still need to take care of my baby Jennie." Kylie chuckles.

"Unnie..." Jennie pouts and smiles. "I hate you, you're going to leave me." Even though it's just an acting, Jennie still feels sad.

She'll miss her sister.

"My baby will miss me, won't she?" Kylie teases the young girl, making her feel more irritated.

"No I won't." Jennie still pouts.

"Admit it unnie, you will miss Kylie eonnie." Lisa teases her co member.

"Whatever." An evil smirk is released by Jennie.

After a while, a man comes to there way. "May I dance with you love?" Baekhyun asks his future wife.

"Of course." The cute boy takes the female's hand and dances.

The music enlightened Kylie, it's so relaxing.

I hope we'll stay like this. I hope that I'm the one that you love now but no. You love Taeyeon. It's okay my love, I'll support you as long as you're happy.

My feelings doesn't matter but your happiness does.

Do what you want to do, I'm here for you.

Kylie thinks in the middle of the dance. If only she can say this words to Baekhyun.



Kylie's alarm clock rings.

She wakes up at 6:00 a.m. But now, she's so lazy to turn it off.

"Please stop." She can't turn off the clock through speaking but did it anyway.

"I want to sleep." She kicks her blanket and rolls.

"Kylie, wake up or we may be late for the press con." A familiar voice says.

"Who are you?" Kylie asks still half awake. She wants to sleep.

"Kylie...." Rubbing her eyes, Kylie slowly opens her eyes.

"Baek oppa?" Kylie is really shocked right now. Why is Baekhyun here? Why is he in her room?

"Prepare yourself, we have a press con at 8:00." Baekhyun says and clicks his tongue. "We don't want to be late."

Kylie hops off from her bed and takes a shower. She has to be quick. She doesn't want Baekhyun to be disappointed.


"Good morning Seoul. We are here with the Kim-Byun couple. Kim Kylie and Byun Baekhyun." The host introduced the couple.

"Good morning everyone!" Byun Baekhyun greets everyone.

"Good morning." Kylie greets kindly.

"So, how did your relationship started?"

The host is asking Kylie but she doesn't know how to answer it.

"Ummmm-" Kylie is starting to panic.

"It all started when she became our photographer." The cute boy rescues his fiancee.

"Wow, how did you fall in love with Ms. Kim?"

"She's really caring you know? The way she took care of Suho hyung is really amazing. And also, her photographing skills, I admire it a lot." Baekhyun shows his box smile and glances to Kylie.

"How about you Kylie?"

"Ummm..." Kylie doesn't know what to say. "It's because he is really jolly with his members. He's really good in photos." What Kylie said is the truth. That's how she admires Baekhyun.

"Of course I'm good at pictures, aren't I love?" Baekhyun asks her.

Nice one Baekhyun, you only call me love when we're on cam but if we're not, you don't.

Kylie thought. "Yes love."

"What a great endearment, love." The host makes a finger heart. "So, why did you keep your relationship?"

"We always wanted to tell people about the two of us but it's always in a bad timing." Baekhyun answers, Kylie just nods.

They continued to pretend.

Kim-Byun couple should win the best actress and best actor.


Hello readers!

If you want another endearment for them comment okay?

I can always change it.

But you don't have to, hehe.

How's the story for you?

It's boring isn't it?

Mianhe, I'll try to do my best.



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