Fuck you mating season!

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Me: Hey guys. My profile was originally AngelChick1000,but somehow,I forgot my password,and I made this one. My old stories might as well be deleted:( But I have not quit! I will rewrite them and make them better!

Bmo: Stop the motivational speech already Julia. This idiot told me this on Facebook. Fucking retard. And I was reading one of her stories to.

Me: Sorry.

Shortstack: How does someone forget there password?

Me: Actually tons of people do.For all of you that do,I feel your pain

Bmo: Well at least you spelled my name right this time.

Shortstack: Anyway,on with the story 'Fuck you mating season!' Chapter 1! ________________________________________

Chapter1: All nice things,all nice-Ahhhhhhhh!

No ones pov:

A blonde haired mage walked to the guild holding a birthday present for the tiny blue haired girl,Wendy.

Lucy smiled. Wendy was turning 14 today,and she hasn't even hit puberty yet.

Must be a late bloomer. Lucy thought to her self.

And to have her birthday on the summer solstice too!

The summer solstice only happened every 3000 years and there's a forgotten legend for it to.


Lucy looked over her shoulder. Her spirit dog Plue was running up to her,holding a dark blue ribbon.

"Oh! Wendy's other present! Thanks Plue!" Lucy chirped as Plue handed her the ribbon that had a golden design.

"Plue,Plue!" Stuttered Plue.

"He's right. We'll be late to the party if you don't hurry!" A voice shouted behind her.

She turned and looked at her pink haired best-guy-friend,Natsu.

"Hi Natsu!Let's hurry then!" Lucy said,grabbing his hand and rushing dragging him to the guild.

"Happy! Hurry up!" Natsu shouted.

A blue cat with white wings flew next to them."Aye sir!


"Where are those guys? They are going to miss the surprise part!" The raven haired boy named Gray.

A red haired girl named Ezra stood up from her chair,a black aura swirled around her."No they won't!" She growled.

Gray backed away to a far corner,scared of the mage.

"They'll be here Ezra." A light blue haired girl said calming Ezra down.

"I Hope for their sakes Levy." Ezra warned her.

Just then Natsu and Lucy bursted through the doors.

"We're here!"

"What the hell took you so long hot head!" Gray yelled at Natsu.

"None of your business ice princess!" Natsu replied,yelling as well.

"I woke up late." Lucy told Levy.

"Ok Lu-chan!" Levy smiled."Is that Wendy's present?" She asked,pointing at the bag.

"Yep!" Lucy chirped.

"Will you to shut up and act nice!" Ezra shouted to the two fighting idiots. Natsu and Gray shut their mouths and lowered fists."A-aye siiirr!"

"Hey shrimp,Bunny girl." Said a black haired boy,Gajeel.

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