Phase one worked to well...

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Dang,it's been a while. I broke some of my fingers and had surgery.

But I'll try to get a chapter in each week or every other.

And Stacy is a random person I made up.

Enough about me, on with the story.

Oh.......and I don't own Fairy Tail


Mira,Lucy, Levy,Wendy,and Ezra were watching Frozen while Lissana, Juvia and Cana went to check out the bar.

Wendy poked Ezra and said,"Thanks,i've never seen Frozen before."

Ezra smiled at Wendy while Levy and Ezra secretly fist bumped.

"No problem."

Knock Knock

Mira jumped up and yelled,"I'll get it!"

"Ahh,my ears! Frig!" Lucy whined while she dramatically fell to the floor.

Ezra smiled and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Lucy.......let it go:)"




































"Fuck you."

Mira threw the door open to see a familiar girl with light brown hair and green eyes.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeey Staaaaaaaacy!" She waved.

Stacy sighed."Hey Mira. Wass up?"

Mira grabbed Stacy's arm and pulled her to the couch.

"This is my good friend, Staaaaaaacy." Mira slurred.

"Hey, Staaaaaaacy!" The girls chorused.

Stacy sighed."Ok, not Staaaaaacy, it's Stacy or Stace and nice to meet you, and sorry if I'm rude,but I woke up at two Am and it's now seven Am sooooooo, I'm tired."

Ezra smiled."No problem,but Mira is a different situation, she'll never.................let it go."

She broke out laughing while everyone groaned.

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