Chapter 1

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Zed's POV

Another day in Seabrook. Everything is great! The mayor which is my girlfriend's mom passed a integration so now zombies and humans are allowed to live as one. My girlfriend is a cheerleader named Addison, and she is the best. I have a date with her later on so right now, I'm just playing on my new phone I got in my room. Zombies now get phones and Wi-Fi. 

I heard a knocking noise.

"Son! It's Eliza!" My dad called. I dashed to the door and opened it.

"Hey Eliz!" I greeted.

"Don't call me that. My name is Eliza, respect that." Eliza is normally this way, but she seems a little more sassy. I wonder why.

"Geez, sorry, what's up?"

"The sky." Yeahhhhh, there is something very wrong here. 

"Is there something wrong Eliza?" I ask.

"Oh jee Zed, I wonder if something IS  wrong! Let me think............ Yeah. Something really is." There was an awkward silence for 30 seconds. I gave her a "are you going to tell me what's wrong" look.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh....." I said breaking the silence.

"Okay, okay, something is wrong with my Z-Band." 

"And you're angry at me why?"

"Remember when you messed with your Z-Band so you can date Cheery McCheers-"

"Addison." I cut her off.

"Right. Anyway, when you did that, you must have done something which completely spoiled the Z-Bands because mine isn't working properly."

"Who said I did that!"

"I did."

"Okay, why isn't it working?"

"Sometimes, it becomes unstable out of nowhere and I start randomly speaking zombie."

"Well, what if it was from when Tracey, Lacey, and Stacey hacked them?"

"The humans fixed them, along with software updates.."

"So why are you blaming me?!"

"You swiped right when I specifically told you not to."

"This is just confusing, sorry Eliza, but I'm going to go on my date with-"

"Gunka!" She said "stop" in zombie. "You see what I mean!?"

"Yeahhhhhhh... This is serious. Do you want me to cancel with Addison?"

"No. You go ahead. Live your life. Forget about me, I'll handle this on my own." I hate when Eliza does this! She tricks me by finding my weak point then I end up doing what she wants.

"Fine, I'll help you."

"Aww, thanks Zeddy!" Eliza can be evil sometimes.

"BUT, as soon as we are done we are done, I really need to get to my date."

"Whatever, just help me!" I had to quickly text Addison about how I'm going to probably be late as Eliza dragged me to where zombies would normally party. "Okay, now help me!" Eliza bugged.

"What do I have to do?" I asked. I have no clue what Eliza is asking me to do for her.

"Easy, just fix it!"

"That was clear, very clear. Eliza, I'm wasting time here, what do you want me to do?"

"Okay, just make it so that my Z-Band stays online." 

"Easy enough." I start fiddling with her watch until it stays online.

"There!" I proudly said.

"Took ya long enough." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been fixing my watch for an hour, so during the first five minutes of it, I popped my arm off because my shoulder couldn't take it."

"An hour!?" I missed my date with Addison! I check my phone and see 30 missed calls from Addison.

"Zo zam gum zas zor gate zih Addison." Eliza said. Uh oh, she said I could go on my date with Addison now, but she spoke zombie! Again! And she didn't mean to! "ZED! Zum zano gund gim?" 

"I don't know what I did..."


"Eliza! I'm sorry but I have to go now!"

"Fine! Go!"

"Okay." I quickly ran out the party room and into the elevator, but the elevator takes forever to go down to the first floor! Okay, maybe not forever, more like a minute, but still. Before the elevator could close, Eliza reopen the elevator! She touched, correction, she GRABBED my Z-Band and I felt an electric pulse go through my body. Eliza didn't seem herself when she did that... I was able to calm her down and swore on my life that I would help her after my date with Addison. I ran back to my house and my room, threw on the nicest zombie uniform clothes I had even though we are allowed to wear human clothes because, why not, and ran all the way to Addison's house.

Addison's POV

Ugh, where is Zed! It has been over 2 hours! I'm hanging out with Bucky in my room since I'm BORED waiting for Zed. Believe it or not, Bucky is really someone who you can talk to. Wait, I got a text! Never mind, it's just from Bree. She's asking if I've gone on that "date" with Zed yet. Well, I can't be rude, so I texted her back saying, "No."  Oh! Did you think I meant not to be rude about Zed? No, I meant Bree. 

"Hey Addi, I know I agreed to be nice to zombies but is Zed really worth it? I mean come on, he hasn't even showed up yet!" My cousin Bucky said.

"Well, sometimes, life disappoints you." I sighed.

"Dear! Zed's here!" My mom called.

"See you later Buck!" I say.

"Bye!" He responds. I skip downstairs because has already wasted enough time, why not waste more. I put on a blank expression and open the door.

"Hey- Addi- Addison!" Zed managed to say.

"Sooo, you actually rush here when the date has passed, wow."

"Sorry-Eliza-Z-Band." I don't know why but I looked at his wrist.

"ZED! YOUR WRIST!!!!" He looked at his wrist and also freaked out.

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