Chapter 9

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Zorriander's POV

I can't BELIEVE that Zed and Cheer McCheery are back together! This was my one chance! My ONE shot! Dang! I'll have to step up my game! Maybe if I befriend the cousin, it's will all work out!

"So Eliza, are you and Mr. I Believe In Myself Too Much together now?" I ask.

"One, my name is Bucky, and two, who said anything about us getting together?" Bucky questions.

"Come on, it's like SUPER obvious!"

"Not to be rude or anything but, you can't rush relationships. Not you alone, but in general." Eliza said. I'm not stupid, I know that. I roll my eyes and sit on the floor of Eliza's bedroom.

"So anyway, I heard there is a zombie mash tonight, 6 pm." Zed said.

"What's a zombie mash?" Bucky asked.

"A zombie mash is a party where zombies would... party, you know, before zombies and humans were allowed to live together. Something like the one we had after the cheer championships. I mean like, we still have them but they are really important and special to zombies. But you can come if you want." Eliza explained.

"I'll be there!" Bucky exclaimed.

"And so will I!" Addison piped in.

"And we kinda have to be there- Zorri, are you okay?" The attention is now towards me, as I stare at Zed. Not because he's.... goregous, it's that, I think I see him as a human? I blink twice, making sure I see the right thing, and yup, I see a paleless, human haired, Zed.

"You're, you're a human now?" I ask, confused out of my mind. Zed looks at his skin.

"Well, I guess something is wrong with my Z-Band. This has been happening for about a day now- Addi?" The cheerleader, who I hadn't noticed change until now, had pale skin, but not green hair. The combination is terrible.

"Why don't you-" Addison took off her wig to reveal her green hair. Better. Zombie and human features don't mix, I'll feel bad for Zed's and Addison's children.

"Well, this certainly will not do. Have you told the humane authorities?" I suggest.

"No, but why not zombie authorities?" Addison asks.

"Certain things are for certain authorities. The ZA are helpful in some situations than others. If we were to report that, that would be reported to the HA, which wouldn't make a difference, it would just be a longer process." I explain.

"How would you know that?" Eliza questions.

"It's just how the ZA would react in that situation. Zombies didn't make Z-Bands."

"Yet we know how to hack them."

"True, but the ZA won't know what to do."

"The ZA has infact been under better training, not to brag but I helped, and they are as capable as any Authority!"

"Suit yourself." Am I the one who struggles to make friends or are these people unfriendable?!

"Anyway," Bucky snakes his hand around Eliza. "This is weird. Even for Eliza."

"Oh shut up." Eliza says, rolling her eyes and playfully punches Bucky.
"If this would be extremely weird for anyone, it would be you. At least I don't practice jazz hands in the corner like a creep." Everyone except me laughs.

"Well, it's, a thing I do to boost my self confidence!" The cheer captain explains.

"I think you should stop, it's already at a hundred." Once again, everyone laughs, except for me. Thank goodness no one notices I don't care about being here right now! I need to brainstorm! Do I even need to lie to get out of here? I walk towards the door.

"Hey, Zorri, where are you going?" Zed asks. Zed. The one I need to plan about. Plan. What am I still doing here?

"I just got a text from my mom, she wants me home. Bye!" I say. What can I say, I was born a liar. Give me any situation, I'll be able to lie you out of it! I go to my house and begin to think.

Bucky's POV

I have my arm around Eliza and it's the best thing that has happened to me all day.

"Since we're all here, how about I make some breakfast?" Eliza suggests. Me! Eating Eliza's food! I sigh dreamily in my head.

"Woah, I think Bucky would love that." Addi says. Did I sigh out loud!? I rest my head on Eliza's shoulder.

"Okay Bucky, you're getting a little too touchy." Eliza says. Zed and Addi laugh. I bounce up and clear my throat.

"I was, uh, just thinking about my jazz hands! Yeah!"

"Smooth." Zed says and the girls laugh.

"Anyway, food ideas?" Eliza asks.

"PANCAKES!" I exclaim.

"Sounds good?" Eliza clarifies. Everyone nods. "Cool. I'll have that rea-"

"Can I help!?" I beg.

"Okay Bucky." Eliza says. Yes! Cooking with Eliza would be amazing!

"Zed and I will set the table." Addi said. We all head downstairs, Addi and Zed head to the dining room while Eliza and I go the kitchen. We put all the ingredients down and I mix them together. Eliza gets a jug, fills it with orange juice, then goes on to make bacon. Goodness she's so pretty, talented, smart, amazing-

"You okay Buck? You're kind of staring." The love of- I mean Eliza asks.

"Just, uh, dreaming about those pancakes! Yum!" I've never realized how terrible a liar I am. Eliza rolls her eyes, but I can't tell if it was in disgust or if she did it playfully.

"Whatever. Just place the pancake batter on the griddle and fry them." She said. She started to get plates and cups, as I pour a little batter at a time.

After a good 15 minutes, I was able to make 30 pancakes. They turned out very well done, golden brown and fluffy. Eliza walked back in the kitchen because she put the plates, the jug full of orange juice, syrup and cups on the dining room table. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear then washes her hands. As I put the pancakes on a serving plate, Eliza comes over to check on me.

"Well, I would have expected you to have burned the stack, but guess I was wrong. Good job." She gives me a slap on the back and when I turn to look at her, she winks at me then takes the bacon to the dining room. What a girl.

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