Chapter 8

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Eliza's POV

Let me summarize what happened. Bucky and I tried to stop Addison from eating her parents' brains. Bucky distracted her, even though I said that was stupid, I was able to take a smartwatch and program it into a Z-Band within 30 minutes (because I'm just that good. Humans who designed the Z-Band, are SLOW). I found Addison, put the Z-Band on her wrist and she calmed down. I had to then find Bucky and found him hiding in Addison's closet. I called him a 'wimp' and told him that it was safe. That's where we are now.

"Thank you SO much Bucky for distracting Addison for me. Without you, I don't know where'd I be." I said with sarcasm.

"No prob Liz." Bucky replied. Addison gasped.

"Bucky! Take that back now!" Addison joked.


"You called her Liz! Run! Get out of here!" I knew what Addison meant now. Usually I don't allow ANYBODY to call me anything other than my name, but I guess it's cool when Bucky calls me that. It's like, uh, cu- What am I saying no it's not!

"Don't call me Liz! Eliza is my name! Thanks!" I didn't have my sassy tone while saying that.

"I expected that to be a little more violent, but since Eliza LOVES Buc-"

"Okay enough of that." I interrupted Addison.

"So it's late, want me to walk you home Eliza?" Bucky asked.

"Sure. I don't see why not." Addison kept raising her eyebrows up and down at me, and I knew why. She thinks that Bucky and I.... Yeah. Bucky walks me to Zombietown and I offer him to stay for the night.

"Since you walked me here, you might as well stay here for the night. I have space for you to sleep. And human food. That doesn't taste like gym socks."

"Uh, sure!" I walked Bucky to my room and showed him where to sleep. Zombies' homes are being renovated so that we have as much room as humans did. The humans have volunteered to do all the work since they put as through all that nonsense. At certain times of the day, I wasn't allowed to be in certain places because of construction. "Nice room." Bucky complimented.

"Thanks." I received a text from Zed. "Uh, Zed says that he needs to talk to me tomorrow."

"What time?" Someone asks. I then realize that Addison is still wearing my headphones.

"Were you listening to us the whole time Addi!?" Bucky asks.

"Yes. Tell him to come to your place at 9AM." Addison replies.

"Okay." I text Zed.

"Zed replied with a 'thumbs up'. Good night Addison."

"Good night." Addison replied.

"Bucky?" I asked.

"Yes?" He responded.

"You would want to take the earpiece off. It might catch fire if you sleep with it on." Bucky immediately takes it off.

"Thanks Eliza."

"I just don't want my room to burn down, but, you're welcome." Eventually, I fell asleep.

Zorriander's POV


I wake up and check my phone. It's 8:30. Zed is sleeping, I'll leave him to sleep. I went into the bathroom, did my morning routine and changed into a black and red dress, black boots and curled my green hair at the ends. (Images Below)

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I walked out of the bathroom and noticed that Zed wasn't there

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I walked out of the bathroom and noticed that Zed wasn't there. I received a text from him saying that he went home to change and then be back. I didn't really feel like going downstairs so I laid down on my bed and accidently fell asleep for a minute, when Zed came back into my room.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

"Not really." I replied.

"Ready to go to Eliza's?" He asked.

"Uh, sure. Give me a minute to tell my mom." I say and tell my mom. Zed waits for me at my front door. "We can leave." We leave and head to Eliza's, which was across the street.

Addison's POV

I sneak into Eliza's house wearing the dress I wore for the first day of school! I decided to put my wig on for the first time in weeks because to get Zed back, I wanted to try something. (What she wore in case you didn't know.)

I hide in Eliza's closet and wait

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I hide in Eliza's closet and wait.

"Hey Eliza, hey Bucky. What did you want to talk about?" I heard Zed from downstairs.

"Hey Zed, Zorri, can we talk upstairs?" Eliza asks. I assume Zed says yes because I hear them come upstairs.

''So what's up?" Zed asks. That was my queue. I come out of the closet and startle everyone.

"I'm up Zed." I say. "I'm sorry about what happened. I was just angry at the moment and hadn't realized that I typed that. Can you forgive me, and can we get back together?" There is silence...

"Why are you wearing your wig?" He asked.

"Well, I wanted to bring back the memories from the first day of freshman year so that you would you remember the good/bad memories so that you would forgive me and now I'm rambling, I'm rambling, okay, um-"

"Addi, it's okay, I forgive you!"

"Oh my SeaBrook, you do?!" I was overjoyed!

"Yes. I understand what happened, it's what happens in relationships. But then we fix it as humans- er, zombies, uh, you know what I mean."

"HASHTAG RELATIONSHIP GOALS!" The girl who am I assuming is Zorriander yelled, which made everyone jump a little.

"So, um, how's Bonzo? Haven't heard from him in a while!" I try changing the topic.

"He's fine, he's been taking a lot of music classes, he's supposed to have a show soon." Eliza explained.

"Even if you did, you probably wouldn't understand." Zorriander says, which confuses Eliza, Bucky, Zed, and I, but we awkwardly laugh, pretending like it's funny.

This girl is interesting, hmm....

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