Chapter 12

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Zorriander's POV

I'm starting to feel bad for Addison, bad that I'll be stealing her man, correction, MY man away from her! By next week, I'll be on the cheer squad! But I'll still have to join the football team. I'll do ANYTHING to win Zed's heart.

"Sorry, Zorri, I can't do that."

"Why not Coach? Why can't I join?"

"Can you even play?"

"Psh, like duh. Why else am I here?"

"Maybe because you're trying to win someone's heart. You know, good luck with that. The only love I get is from my mom. Sometimes my dad."

"Okayyyy... Anyway, I wanna join because I think football is cool!"

"Plus, this is a men's football team, I can't let you in. I would like to, but, I would like to keep my job even more. And move out of my parents' basement! Get a ca-"

"I don't care! Please Coach, please-" An idea popped in my head. "Hey coach. What if I told you I could get you your own house in SeaBrook?"

"I'd say, 'how big is this house'?" Foolish human.

"Like, big. Very big. As big as you want."

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to Principal Lee about letting you on the team. Is that fair?"

"Yeah! But when she says yes, you just give me a call, and I'll have the goods for ya."

"Deal." I shake hands with the poor unfortunate soul and skip off, off to Zed's house.

I climb up the side of Zed's house and tap on his window. Some boy is in his room and is wearing his clothes. I open Zed's window and crawl inside. The boy turns around and sees me.

"Zorri? What are you doing here?" I know that voice.


"Yeahhhh... Remember? My Z-Band is acting up. So is Eliza's. And it's somehow effecting Addison."

"Let me take a look at it." I fiddle with his Z-Band and he turns back into a zombie. "I temporarily fixed it, I think, but you should be good, for now." I stare I into his beautiful eyes as I lean in for a kiss.

Zed's POV
Okay. When I said that Zorri and I broke up because of highschool, let's put it this way: I lied. Zorri's a sweet girl, but she can get a little crazy at times. Example: back when we were in middle school, she stole my backpack and made a SHRINE with everything in it! The creepy thing is how she cackled when I found out. She needs help sometimes. I notice that Zorri's lips are slowly coming towards my face, so I have to roll off my bed and pretend that it was my Z-Band.

"Oh no! My Z-Band is still acting up!" Well, thank you for coming, I'll see you later!" Hopefully she bought that.

"Why are ya kicking me out of your room? You hiding something? Like our WEDDING RINGS?"

"What!?" Let me rephrase what I said earlier: SHE NEEDS HELP.

"Sorry, sorry, I guess I'm just a little-"


"Pfttt. With you? HA! You wish! You wish I was obsessed with you! Ya wish ya had all this!" I look at her in confusion.

"No, I really don't. Goodbye!"

"You can't just kick me out!"

"Zorri. You broke into my room! For the 7th time this week!" She covers her hands with her face and starts crying. Maybe I was a little too mean. She's just trying to find happiness after all. I try to comfort her.

"Don't cry Zorri, I'm sor-WOAH!" That when I realized, I've just fooled myself. She took out a pair of hand cuffs and cuff my hands together. She whispers in my ear.

"Now. I'll be back for you later. If you dare scream or if someone finds you here, you can kiss your baby goodbye. If I end up in the Zombie prison, I'll make sure Bonzo can never play a single note again, and that Eliza can never type a letter again. And just in case you try something..." She takes out DUCT TAPE and starts taping me to my bedroom wall, and tapes my mouth.

She climbs back out the window, and I'm just stuck here. I can't risk my best friends and girlfriend lives but if I don't stop her, she'll do worse. Do I give Zorri what she wants, or do I do what she wants?

For a good kidnapper, she wasn't that smart in this situation. If I kept struggling to get loose, the tape would just peel off the wall. I became free, got all the tape that remained on me, which by the way, hurt a lot, and I called Addison, Eliza, Bonzo, and Bucky and discussed a plan with them. Zorri isn't getting away with this one easily (I also got the handcuffs off). As for right now, I have to go to bed and pray that Zorri doesn't come back during the night. Hopefully.

Lilnigerfagot I told you Zorri was going to get crazier 😈 Vote, comment, share, leave suggestions,  all that good stuff. Hope you enjoy and trust me, Zorri will just keep getting crazier, and crazier, and crazier.... until she gets what she wants. Byeeeeeeee!

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