Chapter 13

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~Zorri's POV~

I'm coming for you Zed. Whether or not you will except our love. I write in my diary, waiting for 8:00 A.M. to strike. That is the normal time that Zed gets up, and then I'll dash to his room and make him mine! Ah Zorri, you've done it again. Is it too late to turn back and come out as not a psycho teenaged girl who wants to destroy that goody-goody cheerleader?
HA! Nah.  

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* 8:00 strikes on my clock and I dash to Zed's house. I peek in his window to find him sleeping under his blankets. I wonder how he got off the wall... That doesn't matter though. I lock pick his window and invite myself into his room. 

"Wake up sleepy head! You're going to be late for school!" No response. I shake him but he doesn't even move. I snatch his blankets and gasp. He tricked me! I see an arrangements of pillows on his bed which looked like he was sleeping! I walk downstairs to see his dad watching TV. 

"Hey, Mr. Necrodopolis!" He screams and throws his remote at me. "Chill! It's just me!"

"Oh hey Zorriander, you scared me." He says, still catching his breath. 

"Have you seen Zed?" I ask.

"Oh um, he went to school early. Wait, how'd you get in here-"

"Thanks Mr. Necrodopolis!" I skip out of Zed's house and off to school.  When I make it to school, I check my phone. 8:50, great. Not only did I not find Zed, I was also late! I walk to my first period class and take my seat. 

~Time skip to lunch~

I walk into the cafeteria and scan the area. No sign of Zed. Maybe he's skipping! Oooooh, what a bad boy! Just before I walk back out of the cafeteria, an announcement plays on the intercoms. 

"Zorriander Zielinskinorrised, please report to the principal's office. Zorriander Zielinskinorrised. Thank you." My heart skips a beat. I hope Zed didn't snitch on me! Anyway, I walk to the principal's offices to be greeted by the faces of Principal Lee and Coach. 

"Hello Zorriander." Principal Lee greets. "Please, sit down." I wanted to refuse but I sat down anyway. "So, Coach here has told me that you wanted to join the football team." My eyes light up.

"Yes! Did I make it?" I say with joy. 

"Sorry but no." The principal crushed my light just like that.

"But why?! I'm like better than all of the players combined!" 

"It's not that you can't play the sport, it's because of your behavior this school year."

"Whaaaat?" I've been on my best behavior!"

"If skipping your classes and failing is good behavior, then you are sorely mistake."

"I'm sorry that Mr. Autumn hates me! I used to always go to his class but then he was all of suddenly like, 'Zorriander, I don't want you to come back tomorrow with that behavior!' So I took that into account and never went after that. I'm just making his life better by not showing up!"

"Zorriander!" The principal scolds.

"Besides, his class is the only class I'm failing. I have A's and B's in all my other classes!" I protest. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was because your teachers felt bad for you..." She muttered.

"That's rude you know! I used my big brain energy to get those A's and B's! School's just too easy that I don't feel like I have to show up all the time!"

"That's enough Zorriander! We'll discuss that later. Look, I'll make you a deal. If you're able to change your behavior then you can join in the spring."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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