Chapter 3

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Zed's POV

I went back to the park and thought about Eliza. Is she okay? I don't know at this point, but I hope she will go back to her sassy self. I went by the tree I put Addison by. Where is she!? Why isn't she here!? I know I put her right there! 

"Boo!" Someone shouted from behind me. It was Addi! She walked towards me, still wanting to eat my brain and I quickly slipped my Z-Band on her wrist.

"Addison, are you okay?"

"I am now, thanks. And I'm a zombie."

"And I'm a human."

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know."

"How did we even switch in the first place?"

" I think it's when I held your hand telling you that I wasn't going to eat your brain."

"You've held my hand many times and that has never happened!"

"Well, then when could it have happened?" This whole scenario is sketchy and confusing.

"Maybe we created some type of chemistry."


"No, love."

"Your saying love changed us?"

"Your right that's dumb." Addison really wanted to figure out what was switched and what happened. I remembered the electric pulse I felt earlier. That's when it hit me.

"I know-"

"OW!" I accidently hit Addison in the face while lifting my arms in the air.

"I wonder how I look as a zombie..." she asid.

"You're not hideous at all."

"Thanks.... I'll take it." We laughed at how we exchanged lines from when we first meet.

"My name's Zaddison now, and yeah, I'm a zombie. Or Zaddi for short."

"I'll be.... Ed." 

"It's confirmed! I'm Zaddison and your Ed.

"Hey guys." Someone sassed behind us.

"Eliza!" Addi-Zaddison said.

"Zed, what did you do!?" Eliza exclaimed. I guess we're dropping the names?

"Why are assuming that I did something!?"

"Because you ALWAYS do something!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Guys!" Addi stopped us.

"Addison, this isn't about you- actually it partially is, but stay out of it."

"Why can't I be apart of it?! I'm as capable as YOU are."

"Addison, I don't think that's a very good-" I tried to stop Addi.

"Shut it Zed. Eliza, you have a bad temper. I don't like that and you need to cheer up. You had you revolution, you are allowed to do other things, why still so upset!?"

"Okay, CHEERLEADER, I don't appreciate your tone."

"Look who's talking!" Addison just roasted Eliza! Dang! People started gathering around Addison and Eliza, but now Addison wasn't pale or didn't have green hair. Odd. I looked at my hand. Pale. Is this do to the amount of people surrounding us? I had to get my Z-Band back from Addison before this turned into a zombie feast. Expect I'm the zombie feasting, on humans.

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