Chapter 5

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Bucky's POV

I'm on my way to go see Eliza, uh for no reason! It's not like I like her or anything! I just uh, wanna hang out with her before the night comes out, that's all! But I can't find her! SHE'S NOT AT HER HOUSE, NOT AT ZED'S OR BONZO'S, NOT AT SCHOOL! MAYBE SHE'S HANGING OUT WITH ADDISON! YEAH! AFTER ALL, THEY ARE GOOD FRIENDS. I'LL CHECK THE PARK! I run to the park and there is a crowd, which is strange because there are usually crowds around me. Actually I'm kind of glad. I push my way through the crowd to see what was going on. It was just Addison and Eliza.... ELIZA! I FOUND HER! But they are arguing.... Why?

"Guys, what's going on?"

"Bucky! Tell your zombie girlfriend to stop being angry all the time and to stop being rude!"

"She's not my girlfriend! Eliza, what happened?!"

"All I told her was for her to step out of a situation that had something to do with her! How is that rude!?"

"Okay ladies, stop! Addison, Eliza was not being rude, it's just the way she is. She may come on strong, but really she has good intentions." Eliza smiled. That smile brought sunshine to my day. "Eliza, Addison really loves helping and wants to, so she found it kind of rude when you said that it wasn't about her. She felt as if you don't like her." Addison smiled.

"Addison, I'm sorry that I made you think that I didn't like you. You are an amazing person, and I remember that it was mostly you who helped with the integration. I am truly sorry."

"I accept, and I'm sorry that I assumed you were being rude. You are an amazing zombie, and when I don't have anyone to talk to, not even Zed, your the one I always come to. I'm sorry."

"I accept. Bucky, thanks for helping us settle things. You are also an amazing person, and cheerleader of course. Thank you." Eliza gave me a quick hug and I almost fainted right there on the spot.

"*Cough*, well, it was no problem, just happy to help!" I said, trying to act natural. There were 'awww's from the crowd and they left.

"So Addison, where's Zed, weren't you guys on a date or something?"

"ZED! Oh my Seabrook, I forgot about him..... I also forgot that I broke up with him..."


"I was just so angry at the moment that I just started texting hate! I hope he'll understand!"

"Wait..." Eliza said.

"Yes?" I responded before Addison had a chance too.

"Zed texted me and said 'Hope Addison is happy because I may be dating Zorri again soon!' They dated before!?"

"Who's Zorri?" I asked again before Addison could.

"She is a zombie and one of my friends, but I didn't know that Zed and Zorri used to be a thing!"

"Okay, what's the plan?" Once again, before Addison.

"Can I talk as well Bucky!?" Addison yelled at me.


"The plan.... Oh! I'll disguise myself as a human, hope it works, go to the Seabrook restaurant with Bucky as my date-" I died inside at that part, but in a good way! SHE WANTS TO GO WITH ME! AS A DATE!!! I was grinning so hard and tried not to let it show. "-after we disguise him of course, Addison, you'll have to find a way in, or you could be an spy."

"Oooh a spy! What do I do!"

"You just have to stay.... at your house, you'll wear headphones and tell us where Zed and Zorri are. I'll trust you with my laptop and you'll be able to track them down with their Z-Bands, and you'll give us information! But since you like to be in the action you could-"

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