Chapter 11

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Eliza's POV

I have some homework to finish up, no biggie, then maybe I can play some vid-

"Eliza!" Zorriander bursts into my room, without knocking. Rude.

"Who let you in here?" I asked, questioning the zombie.

"Well, I had to sneak in through some windows-"



"Hey Zorriander, there's this thing called a door, heard of it?"

"Oh haha."

"Wanna tell me why your here?"

"Oh yeah. So Bucky has this huge crush on you and wants to ask you out but his huge ego isn't brave enough to." Bucky has a crush on me?

"Well, he did say he was going to take me on a date to the SeaBrook restaurant soon so, um yeah, still waiting on that."

"Ya know, he's a super great guy, you don't find many like him around, it'll mean so much to him if you show him some, ya know, love back."

"Since when do you care how Bucky feels?"

"Since the day I realized how much of a friend he is."

"When was that day?"

"Since zombies and humans came together."

"Yeah, um, I don't buy this." This is way too suspicious to me, something's up.

"Buy what? I'm telling the truth."

"Yeah but last time you said you were telling the truth, I almost lost half of my hair."

"That's not true!"

"Yes, Zorriander, it's true."

"Okay, fine, but please go out with him, I really wanna join the cheer squad! Help me out please!"

"Fine, I'll go out with him. But don't think I like him!" Yeahhhhhhhh.... That's a lie. Wait what?

"No promises." Zorri happily skips out of my room. What have I put myself into?

Tracey's POV

I overheard Zorriander's conversation with Bucky during passing time. Zorri really wants to join the squad? That's so sweet! Maybe we can get closer and-

"Tracey! Did you hear captain Bucky?" Lacey scolds.

"What?" I ask.

"He said it's time for cheer practice!" She clarifies.

"Oh, um, let's start?"

"Five! Six! Five, six, seven, eight!" Bucky chants. As we began, Zorri skipped in, whispering something to Bucky and he signals for us to pause.
I've never had feelings for a zombie before.... Will I get kicked off the team for this? Bucky then smiles.

"Okay team, Zorriander here will watch us during practice, then later, I want Addison and the Aceys to show her some basic cheer. Got it?"

"Yes captain Bucky!" Everyone answers.

"Okay, cheer on!" Bucky claps twice and we start to cheer again. I cheer with all my might, to show off some of my skills. We end and Zorri claps for us.

"Woo! Great practice!" She says.

"Thanks!" Bucky says. "See you tomorrow squad!" The squad split up and go to where they needed to be. Then I decided to talk to Zorri, just because.

"Hey Zorri! I hear you'll be joining the squad soon." I say.

"Yeah, I think that cheer is very cool and amazing." Zorri said.

"Anyway, Addison, Lacey, Stacey and I will help you out to be the best cheerleading zombie ever!"

"Really!?" Her face lit up with excitement.

"Well of course!"

"Thank you!" She gave me a huge hug then skipped away. I just froze up. I couldn't move or do anything. Just stare at her, skipping away ever so happily.

"Tracey!" Lacey and Stacey scolded.


"Why were you staring at Zorri?" They asked.

"No reason- I mean I wasn't staring at her- I mean..."

"Ooh someone's got a crush!" They squeal then drag me away.

What have I gotten myself into?

A/N:  I need some ideas for the next chapter. Please comment, vote, share, all that good stuff. Thanks for reading!

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