Chapter 4

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Zorriander's POV

Hey! I'm Zorriander, or 'Zorri' for short. And yeah, I'm a zombie. I'm 16. Life has improved for us zombies. We now get Wi-Fi, you can cross the border whenever we want, we are allowed to live in SeaBrook. Something I can't do, is love Zed. Zed has been my crush for like ever, but he already has a human girlfriend. It angers me so much. My relationship with Zed is like, when he has no one to talk to, and he ALWAYS has someone to talk too. It's not like he'll come knocking on my door any second. Bang bang! Someone was knocking at my door, maybe it's Zed... No. Snap out of it! It's not him, but just in case it is, I fixed my green hair. (Picture of her hair)

"Who is it?" I asked before opening the door

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"Who is it?" I asked before opening the door.

"The mailman," The person answered. Well, I guess it isn't Zed.... I opened the door and there stood Zed. "Hey."

"Wow. The old mailman trick. Haven't changed, except you have gotten taller. We were the same height in like 5th grade."

"We're almost the same height still. I'm just like, five inches taller than you."

"Yeah, FIVE inches. Anyway, what's up?"

"Well, my girlfriend and best friend are arguing and it's annoying me. What should I do?" I rolled my eyes when he said girlfriend, but I made sure he didn't see me.

"Tell me about your girlfriend."

"Well, she's a human, she has white hair that doctors can't explain, green eyes, and she's a cheerleader." I rolled my eyes and cringed at all of that statements, remembering who she is. Addison, her name is Addison. "Her name is-"

"Addison. Yeah I've heard the name. Who is your best friend?"


"Oh, okay, you should-" Zed's phone buzzed. He looked at it as his eyes widened. "What's wrong!?"

"Addison...." He started.

"Oh no is she hurt?" I pretended to care. No, care. If he finds out that you don't, he'll never like you.

"No. Read it for yourself." He gave me his phone. YAY! I'm touching his phone! I read the text out loud:

"Zed, you knew this was coming! You decided to leave and I told you we would be done, but you didn't listen, so, WE'RE DONE! ~ Addi. That is so terrible, I'm so sorry." Now I have a chance! Actually I don't. Just stop trying!

"It's fine. I guess what Eliza said about cheerleaders was right, they are all terrible."

"Don't say that, there is still hope! If she doesn't love you, then she's not the one."

"Thanks." Zed give me a HUG!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!! "I will text her." Zed texts Addison and gets an immediate reply "She says, leave me alone and never speak to me again. Great, now what am I supposed to do now?!"

"Well, the perfect girl for you has to still be out there, hey, maybe Addison still likes you." I say as Zed looks at his phone.

"Well, she just texted me a picture of her and Tracy...."

"I'm, I'm so so sorry I truly am."

"It's fine. Maybe this whole integration was a bad idea, maybe we can make a zombie revolution!"

"Woah woah woah hey, Zed, you wanted this! You can't just tear everything down because of her! Snap out of it! Zed Necrodopolous, you are way too good of a zombie to throw your LIFE away. And for what?! Because your HUMAN girlfriend dumped you!? You need to let go! I learnt to let go, so can you! And so what she doesn't feel the same way you do!? To remind you, Eliza is also still ANGRY! She is your friend right?!"

"Thanks, I needed the pep talk. I don't know why I don't hang out with you often."

"Maybe it's because you never think of me."

"No, I do, it's just that things keep coming up."

"Oh, okay."

"Did you know that Bucky and Eliza will probably become a thing?"

"No way!"

"Yeah, Bucky does in fact like Eliza but Eliza is to stubborn to admit that she does."

"It's more like she doesn't like to show her soft side. She is the tough type, and Addison needs to respect that."

"You're amazing."

"I know." I smile.

"I remember when we secretly dated a year ago, before the integration." It's strange how Zed brought it up. I got really nervous at that point, so I tried to play it cool.

"Yeah heh, why'd we break up again?"

"We wanted to see where going to human highschool would take us so we went our separate ways. Are you dating someone?"

"Um, not necessarily. I was thinking of making a girls football team, since I love football. Tracy has been encouraging me to do so, and I normally hang out with him."

"Oh, cool." Hanging out with Zed has been the best thing this whole day.

You can choose who you would want Zorriander to be.

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