Chapter 6

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Bucky's POV

Eliza looks so beautiful and so, human. The only thing is her Z-Band. She may look human, but she's still a zombie. A person may think it's just a smartwatch but a zombie will be able to tell. We were so lucky that Zed didn't notice it.

"What should we start with?" I asked.

"Well, I took Zorri's phone when she wasn't looking. I'll just post some things about Zed on the world wide web, or 'internet' and see if Zed gets angry."

"Addison?" I whispered-asked.


"What is Zorri's password to her phone?"

"Let's see.... 39772883."

"39772883... Got it!" Eliza declared, quietly of course.

"Now, what is her username and password for Clapchat?" I asked.

"Uh..... It's Zorriander_8923_Daisy9121 and password is zombielover75."

".....lover75.....I'm in. Now, I post embarrassing things about Zed, and...... send." Eliza said.

"What did you type?" I asked.

"That when Zed was 12, we would play truth or dare, and every time he picked dare, he would do challenges like: Removing his arm and use it scare humans, call a random human girl and tell them that he likes them, kiss a pillow with the image of a human girl, run outside yelling that he has lice and go through humans homes without getting caught for 2 minutes."

"Is all that true?"

"Most of it." We look at Zed and see what he does.

"Addison, turn on the microphones on Zed and Zorri's Z-Bands." I instruct.

"Done." Addi replies.

"You actually know what your doing. Nice." Eliza compliments.

"Thanks. Now let's listen."

"My phone is vibrating, one second Zorri." Zed says and looks at his phone. "Why did you post this on Clapchat!?"

"I didn't post anything! You saw me the whole time, I never touched my phone! Wait, I can't find it! Someone stole my phone!" Zorri said.

"Well, it has to have been a zombie because no human knows, maybe Addison...." Eliza dashes to their table, places her phone down and dashes back.

"How'd you do that?" I asked.

"Zombies have superspeed."

"Oh, cool."

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