the boyfriend thing

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Erika was in the kitchen several days later singing an old pop ballad; "I can't maaake you love me, if you don't. You can't make the heart feel, something it won't."

I looked at Cam and raised an eyebrow like, how dare she sing that song, those are totally my lyrics about her.

He gave me a look back like right?! The audacity. He was a good best friend.

I went into the kitchen and looked sadly at the empty counter. "Guess Moey's only baking for Devyn with a Y these days," I lamented.

"I'll make you some cookies," she offered, flicking soap at me. Tiny bubbles floated in the air.

I looked at her skeptically. "Uh, thanks, but no thanks. I don't trust you in the kitchen."

Cam followed me in. "And rightly so," he added.e  She flicked more bubbles his way. "Look, quantum foam."

"You're quantum foam," she said enigmatically.

"Your mom," he responded.

"Yeah, that crazy bitch is dead," she said flippantly.

"Word," he said, holding out a fist as he opened the fridge. She touched her own wet fist to it.

"You guys," I said, shaking my head. I found some Oreos in the cupboard. "Don't tell Evie I'm eating Oreos, because I don't need a nutrition lecture."

"I'm telling her." Cam said immediately, taking three from me to go with his Coke.

"Says you." I shook my head, eying his food.

"Fucking soap being too fucking bubbly," Freak said, blowing bubbles away from her face.

"You swear too much," Cameron told her, because he doesn't value his life much.

"You breathe too much," she retorted, once again flinging soap across the kitchen.

We sat at the counter on barstools and he began sketching. "I suck at drawing people," he said, which was absolutely untrue.

"You are too brilliant to suck at anything," I pointed out. "Also, not being perfect at it doesn't equal sucking."

"Yes it does," they chorused, and grinned at each other.

"Fucking perfectionists," I scoffed.

"Uh, you wouldn't understand," Cameron mouthed off.

"Fuck yourself," I said idly, browsing Pinterest. "Here, listen: We loved with a love that was more than love."

"Poe," Cam said, tearing off the nearly perfect sketch of a woman he'd been drawing and crumpling it up.

"I know who it is," I said, taking the ball of paper from him and smoothing it out as best as I could. "Isn't it cool?"

"Fuck us, dude, now she's looking up love quotes," Erika said disparagingly. Little did she know they were about her. She dried her hands on a blue towel and met my eyes, tilting her head, making fun of me a little. "Here's Poe's best love quote, if you want to know: Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. The way it stops and starts." She smirked and dropped the towel over my head, disappearing into the living room.

"Right?" I muttered to Cam, resting my head on the counter for a moment and savoring the words.

Cam patted me on the back twice and went back to drawing, a forgotten Oreo in his right hand. Addict With a Pen appropriately began playing in the next room and all of our souls relaxed a little. "It seems to me, love could be labeled poison, and we would drink it anyway."

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