Chapter 14; Janoskian in my apartment AGAIN

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I had that feeling again. The feeling when someone was looking at me. 

'Your arse looking amazing in those jeans'

I automatically new it was Jai; you could tell from his deep and husky voice, which I found really sexy! As tempted as I was to turn around, I knew it was for the best to keep walking. Brothers talk right? Surely Beau would have told Jai about his rather interesting night and he hasn't realised who I was yet... With all these thoughts running through my mind, before i knew it I was back inside, back with the girls and back enjoying myself once more. 

All of a sudden, the lights flickered and went out. Screams started emerging through the entire house before someone yelled, it's alright, the power board tripped. Everyone stay where you are and the power will be back on in  a minute. I figured with all the electricity being used by the house, the board would trip eventually. 

With-in seconds the power was back on and the volume escallated once again. Unfortunately the Dj's comouters had to be reset so there were no lights on the dancefloor and no music. 


We all spun around to look at the DJ deck to find two boys standing ontop of them. I had seen them around before. They were tall and built and obviously went to the gym often. 

'As part of Jess's birthday present, we are supplying you ALL with shots. Waiters will be coming around with trays of them and they will keep coming until you are gone. If you don't have a shot on the count of 5, grab the nearest drink and skull the entire thing'

All the girls looked at each other and started to scream with excitement. This was all a set-up. The waiters started rolling out; 20 or 30 of them! We had a shot in each hand ready to roll. After vommiting all my alcohol up, I was feeliong much better. I felt stupid for sabotaging myself once again, but with free alcohol and amazingly sexy hosts who could resist. 






And down they both went. This sent the entire party into a freenzy. Literally everybody in the room was skulling or shotting. There wasn't one person who was standing there aimlessly. By the time we were done, the music was back to full blast, and looser than ever everyone returned to the dance floor. 

As I was loosing myself in the music, I felt large hands grip my waist as our bodies strted swaying together. They were lightly breathing on my ear which started driving me mad. I spun around, expecting it to be Jai, but only to find it one of the boys from ontop of the DJ deck. Before I knew it, our mouths were felly locked together, with our toungues moving in sync. I was so out of it by that time, and I was being taken advantage of. 

Before I knew it, his hands were down my pants in the middle of a dancefloor. Not handling these situations very well, I turned around and walked away. I seem to do this all the time when I want to avoid a situation. Expecting him to leave me alone, I walked outside, but he followed me. Before I knew what was happening we were at it again. I knew it wasn't right considering I didn't even know the guys name, but through my drunk eyes and mind, I wanted more. He grabbed my hand and started to pull my down the back of the yard. 

As we walked down hand in hand I started giggling like a little school girl as he was whispering things in my ear. Behind me I heard someone clearing their throat. It was Jai. Without even thinking, I spun around and jumped into his arms, clinging on to him like a desperate baby. Being as drunk as we were, Jai fell backwards up the hill with me laying ontop of him and mystery man just walked away. 

To the beat of Jai's heart I started falling in and out of conscieousness. I don't even think Jai knew my name. I never imagined Jai to be the party type. From watching their videos, I though if either of the twins was into this stuff it would have been Luke. Jai just has this innocent vibe about him. 


I awoke to a scream. It was Erin's. Totally startled I jumped out of bed and ran into the loungeroom. On my couch was Jai Brooks.

Erin being the fan she is was absolutely loosing it. There was, as startled as she was laying shitless on the couch. I had no recollection of most of last night. It was one of the biggest nights I had had sine being in Melbourne. Just incase Jai knew what happened last night, I played it cool and introduced the two of them. 

I quickly called Jai to my bedroom to save him from Erin. There is no way to describe it. She was absolutely mental. 

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table only to see hundreds of Facebook notifications and to find that it was 5pm on Saturday afternoon. My head was pounding like crazy and I felt like I could vomit. Not knowing how to handle the situation, I introduced myself to Jai, and he absolutely cracked up laughing. I stood there so confused, and he must have seen that and started explaining. 

Everyone was talking about Ella that new chick. Him and his mates walked past me and agreed with the others about being 'hot'. As the night went on, he seen me over and over but was to scared to approach me. Not feeling to well himself, he walked outside to clear his head when he saw a figure vommitting in the bushes, just being the caring person he is he went to help. He felt angry that I fangirled to hin because it caught him off guard, but as I started waking away, he took the opportunity and tried to start conversation. The night continued and we both got drunker. After passsing out on him we decided to go home, which was about 4:30 in the morning. He offered to take me to his because it was closer but I just said I couldn't because of Beau and I will explain later. So the only other choice was mine. We went home to the empty house, he helped me get changed and then crashed on the couch. 

I was so appreciative of Jai for helping my out like that. If it wasn't for him, who knows where I might be right now. 

As I hugged Jai for hepling me last night, I felt sparks between us. His toned arms around my waist with his bare belly puched against my chest and my hands feeling the muscles in his back. As we pulled out of the hug, we gazed into each others eyes. We could both feel it; like electricity constantly flowing from me to him and back again. 

All I could manage to say was, not now. Suprisingly, he understood. As I was sitting on my bed he said something so beautiful

'I thank you for last night. I must say the walk home was truely interesting and what happened five minuted ago. I'm sorry if I felt pushy before, but I just had the urge to kiss you. I really couldn't control myself. Don't think I am being selfish, but I am glad you didn't text Beau back. In the end, he only wouldnt have hurt you. I am going to write my number down and you can put it in the draw with Beau's. Thanks again. And do you mind showing me to the door so your crazy friend doens't have another heart attack'

With this, we both laughed and he has the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. As we left the room, Erin was sitting on the couch still trying to process what was happening, and just staring at us blankly. As I let him out the door, he gave me a hug and I kissed him on the cheek. I guess that was kind of a stupid move and could have given him the wrong idea, but it was just impulse.

As I shut the door, I knew I had some serious explainging to do and figure out why I was being bombared on Facebook. The reason this happened last time was Janoskian related so I had a feeling this time would be too.

Without saying anythig to the girls, I went back into my room, shut the door, put the blinds back down and turned the alarm off and went to sleep in minutes 

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