Chapter 25; All Over Red Rover

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How is everyone? Wonderful I hope.

Sooooo sorry for the late upload. Have been so busy lately!

And for those lovely ladies who have been waiting, sorry for the let down. No cliffhangers or anything interesting happening in this chapter!

So stuck for ideas but no one seems to want to help me :(

Please I beg beg beg you to give me some ideas for the story. I have a serious case of writers block which is not going away.

Three suggestions and the next chapter will go up, and the winning idea will get a special dedication, or even a promo on Tumblr.

K    xoxo 

As the rest of the party made their way over to the fence to see the commotion, we had to push through the already gathering crowd to get to the middle. In the middle stood about 9 boys yelling at each other and the first punch had already been thrown. Being two girls, there wasn’t really anything we could do to stop it. We had no idea who these people were and weren’t going to risk getting attacked breaking it up. Gina yelled over the top of the noise for them to get out before she called the police. Before we knew what was happening, one guy was pushed over, toppling onto Gina, pushing her onto the floor where the fence was laying.

This set the boy on fire, with them all in on the fight. Which is explainable when someone had just hurt their own Mother. As Gina scrambled to her feet, she continued to try and stop the fight. Finally, after what felt like eternity, the boys stopped and simply walked straight back out of where they had came from.

As the scene continued to unfold, the adrenaline finally wore off and the severity of the situation finally hit me. As Gina ran inside, the boys followed her which left me standing in the middle of what felt like a battle field. The lights continued to flick, the buss continued to pump but no one was moving or talking.

I went over the speaker, turned the music off and politely asked everyone to leave. Thankfully, the crowd understood and kids started darting off in all directions. A few asked if they could hang around as their parents were on their way, which was totally fine as long as they kept the noise down.

I didn’t exactly know what was going on inside or how hurt any of them were, but I thought it was best to stay outside incase any of them came back, or more commotion started. After about half an hour, the music was completely dead, the lights turned off and not a sole left in the backyard.

By this time, with all the events that had happened, I felt totally sober and was prepared to deal with whatever lay inside; even with the thumping headache that was increasing in intensity. I felt like the bass had been turned off and shoved into my head.

As I walked inside, all the lights were still on, the shower was running and all the bedroom doors were shut. It was then that it hit me, I hadn’t seen Indie and Beth since before the fight broke out and I had no idea where they were. Thoughts were rushing through my mind because I knew how much alcohol was in that esky. Enough for eight or ten people, and when I went to it for the first time, three quarters of it was gone. I ripped my phone out of my pocket as quickly as I could, dialed their number but no one answered. As panic started to fill me, I figured that I need to tell one of the boys what was going on to see if they had seen either if the girls.

Within seconds of them not answering, my phone was ringing and it was Beth. Thankfully they had left the party before the fight had even started because Indie was feeling really sick. They couldn’t find me and the taxi was waiting for them out the front. The funniest thing of all was they were at MY apartment. Which wasn’t a problem of course because I trusted them totally.

After hanging up the phone and saying goodnight, I went into Luke and Jai’s bedroom to my mattress that was set up on the floor. I assumed it was Jai in the shower as I saw the empty bottom bunk in front of me. Just as I laid down and just as I got comfortable, a slurring Luke muttered ‘He is in Beau’s bed’.

Beau’s bed? Why was he in Beau’s bed?

Despite the fact I was so comfortable, I dragged myself out of bed and into Beau’s bedroom to say goodnight to Jai. As I slowly and gently opened the door, a peacefully sleeping Jai lay facing me, with the other side of the bed completely empty; it must be Gina or Beau in the shower.

I slowly walked over to him, kissed him on the nose and whispered ‘sweet dreams chicken;. Just as I was walking out the door his eyes flickered open and he signaled me back to come into bed.

He explained that Beau had walked Kaitlyn back to her house and he would be staying there for the night so we could have the bed to ourselves. As I climbed over Jai and plonked on the other side, I could literally feel my eyes closing before my head even hit the pillow.

As I lay there, I was expecting Jai’s arm to drape over me, or for a goodnight kiss but instead I got snoring. I hate snoring. I was that tired I don’t really think I care anymore. I really wanted a goodnight hug or kiss, maybe even something more. Even though we weren’t dating I wanted to explore our boundaries; which makes me question if that is being a ‘slut’.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, my brain literally shut down and I fell asleep literally after minutes. I knew everyone was safe and I could have a peaceful nights rest, even though there is only two hours left before the sun starts rising again. 

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