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the girls and i were walking to a small restaurant that we always go to after school. i walk with joy and we all go to our lockers before leaving. joy and i were already done and we waited for the others to be done. 

as we wait for the others, i see a familiar face and it was none other than min yoongi. joy saw who i was staring and she wanted to kill him. that's because he threw a paper ball right on her face. i stop her before anything happens. they walk off not noticing us. the girls arrive and we start walking to the restaurant. 

we are always late to the restaurant and be never get the spot by the window. we're always seated in the back but it's fine with all of us. we walk towards the restaurant together and we notice a small line forming outside the restaurant. 

we wait in line but we finally get in after a few minutes. ahjumma welcomes us in and she's seats us in the back. i notice a group of guys in the back and i automatically know who it was. i sit against the wall beside joy and seulgi. i sat on the end where yoongi was sitting. i sigh and take out my phone. 

i scroll through my social media until ahjumma comes and takes our orders. we take our usual and we wait until one of the servers gives us our food. i listen to everyone talking until i feel my phone buzz. i look around and no one notices. i grab my phone and look at my notifications. 

i look at the messages and it was all from yoongi. i sigh and look over beside me. i shake my head and silent my phone and put in my bag. i listen and talk to everyone but then chae got a message. 

"jen, check your phone." chae says and i roll my eyes.

"chae, i know who's sending me the messages so..." i say and look around. 

"okay." chae says and goes back to her phone. 

ahjumma brings our food out and we dig in. we eat for a while and i take out my lap top when i'm done eating. ahjumma takes out tray of food and we try and do our homework in the cafe. i go on my uncompleted music and plug in my headphones. 

i listen to the songs and i feel a tap on my shoulder. 

"jen, we're going to get going it's already 6 and we still have things to do. are you alright staying here?" joy asked and i see everyone packed up. 

"yeah. you guys can go if you want." i say and look around. the cafe was already half empty except for some people who were doing homework or whatever. 

"come home early, jen." jisoo says and i nod. they wave goodbye and i go back to listening to the song. 

after a few minutes, i feel someone in front of me and i see ahjumma. i take my headphones off and look at her. 

"jen. you want anything to drink?" ahjumma asks with a smile. 

"some coffee please, ahjumma." i say and i hear some else say something.

"ahjumma, can i have some more coffee, please?" i hear someone say and i look beside me. 


what's he still doing here?

"yes. yoongi, just give me a sec." ahjumma says and looks at him.

"jen. i'll get you some coffee. aishh...this boy." ahjumma says and i smile. 

i put my headphones back on and i feel someone sit beside me. i look up and see yoongi.

"yoongi what do you want?" i whine and he looks at me. 

"nothing." yoongi says and just shrugs.

"stop lying." i say and look at him annoyed.

"fine. help me with my song." yoongi says and i roll my eyes.

"aren't you the composer of your group? then why don't you write it yourself?" i say and yoongi tilts his head up. 

"please." yoongi whines and i sigh.

"fine. what do you need?" i say and he lights up.

"help me with the lyrics and the notes." he says and i nod. he sits beside me and i listen to the song. i play one of the keys on the piano and lipsync to the lyrics. 

ahjumma brings us our coffee and i finish the song.

"i just fixed some of the notes but you're fine with everything." i say and he smiles.

"thank you." he says and gets up. he walks over to his table and grabs his stuff. he walks over to me with his gummy smile and hugs me.

"thank you so much. i've been stuck on this song for so long. thank you so much." he exclaims and kisses my forehead. he walks off and i sit there shocked. 

i watch yoongi walk off and i replay what had happened a few minutes ago. i sit there until i see ahjumma comes towards me.

"oh...yoongi left? jen. are you okay? you're face is really red." ahjumma says and i nod slowly. 

i keep replaying the moment and stare at my computer. 

what the heck are you doing to me min yoongi?

[end of the chapter]

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