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i walk in with the others and we walk into the main office. i look around and see multiple people signing up. i walk to the front desk and ask for the form. they hand me a form and i ask for the solo one, too. i get two form and give the group one to namjoon. i fill in the solo one in and wait for the others.

i see the door opening and see jennie and the other girls. i look back down and smile. i see someone sit down beside me and look up. i see jennie and she was filling in the group and solo form.

"solo? or group?" i ask her and she looks at me.

"both. i'm doing the solo though." jennie says and i nod.

"you too?" jennie asks and i just nod.

"thanks for the ramen. i didn't eat it yet." jennie says and i smile.

"it's okay." i say and pat jennie's head. she smiles and i get up. i hand in my form and sit next to jennie again.

"you know what song you're going to sing?" i ask and she shakes her head.

"don't know yet. i have a lot of songs that i wrote but i still don't know which song i'm going to sing." jennie says filling in the form. 

" i still don't know which song to pick either." i say and jennie nods. 

"i'm going to just hand this in." jennie says and i nod. 

jennie gets up and i stand beside her. i wait for her because everyone else left. the bell rang but we got late passes. i wait for jennie and we walk out.

"locker?" i ask and she nods.

"yeah. let's go." jennie says and holds onto my hand. we walk to her locker and i lean on the lockers behind me. 

"what class do you have?" i ask and she looks through her locker.

"calculus." jennie says and i nod. 

"you?" jennie asks and puts her books in her locker.

"physics." i say and we walk to my locker.

"i'll meet you in lunch." jennie asks and i nod as i close my locker.

"how about we go out for lunch?" i ask and she looks at me.

"are you sure? i don't want you to waste your money on me." jennie says and i roll my eyes.

"i'm willing to spend my money just for you." i say and i see the tip of here ears turn red.

"fine." she says and i squeeze her cheeks.

"you're so cute." i say as i squeeze her cheeks.

"whatever." jennie says and i pull my hands back.

she walks to her class and i walk the opposite direction. i make it to physics and the whole class stops. i give my late pass to the teacher and sit next to namjoon. he takes notes and i try to catch up.

"okay. next week, i'll give you guys a break so you can prepare for the talent show. for those who aren't participating in the talent show, you will be taking notes and doing different labs. now finish taking notes and do the homework for tonight. you will also have a quiz tomorrow. please study so you can get your grades up." the teacher says and i finish taking notes. 

i look over at namjoon who was still taking notes.

"yah! how are you done!?" namjoon says and i shrug. 

i finish the homework and close my notebook. i grab my phone and notebook. i open it up and look through the songs that i had. i look through and pick two of them. i pick the song that i wrote last year and the song that jennie helped me with.

the bell rings just in time. i close everything and walk to my next class. i pass by jennie and ruffle her hair. she notices and looks at me. she smiles and i smile back at her. i walk to my next class and sit down. i do my usual routine and wait for class to end. 

class ends and i walk to my next class. jennie was in that class and she was with joy. i sit in my seat and wait for jennie. the bell rings and jennie and joy barely makes it in. 

"miss. kim and miss. park. care to explain why you're almost late." the teacher asks and i see jennie look down.

"we're sorry. we lost track of time and we won't do it again." jennie says and the teacher shakes her head. 

"it's fine. just sit down and take your notebooks out." the teacher says and they both take their seats. 

class was usual and i sat through the whole class trying not to fall asleep. class ended and i wait for jennie. joy already left and jennie was still packing her stuff. jennie walks out and she stops. jennie notices me and she runs up to me. she hugs me and i hug her back.

"it's fine. it's not your fault." i say and i pat her head. 

"it is my fault." jennie says and i shake my head.

"no it's not. you didn't mean to be late. okay?" i say and she nods. 

"come on. let's go to lunch." i say and pull her outside of the classroom.

we walk to the nearest convenient store and i let her pick whatever she wanted. i grabbed a bowl of ramen, dumplings, and coffee. jennie places her food on the counter and i pay for it. she grabbed dumplings, tteokbokki, and coffee. i pay and we both grab our things and we heat it up. we sit beside the window and wait for our food. 

we hear a beeping sound and we both rushed to the microwave. we grab our food and set it down on the table. we start eating as more students walk in. most were seniors because seniors are the only students that can leave. we both eat and talk. 

"i've narrowed it down to two songs already." i say stuffing my face with the ramen. 

"which?" jennie says and eats one of my dumplings.

"yah! that's mine!" i say and jennie sticks her tounge out. 

"tell me which songs?" jennie whines and i roll my eyes.

"fine. i picked a song that i wrote last year. and also the one that you helped me with." i say and she nods. 

"what's the song that you wrote about?" jennie asks and i look down.

"um....just something personal." i say and jennie nods. we both stay quiet for awhile. we finish up and throw our trash out. we walk back to school and it was almost time for next period.

"are you sure you can't tell me?" jennie asks and i shake my head.

"you'll hear it one day." i say and i kiss her head.

i walk away knowing that jennie just stood there. i walk to my next class smirking and get into class. i sit down and look at the song that i wrote last year. i smile at the lyrics and remember the day that i say her. the day i started liking her. 

[end of chapter]

[a/n: who could be her? i wish i could write more but i'm getting quite busy but hopefully you're just enjoying the book itself. sorry for any grammar or spelling errors. love you~]

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