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it was already the end of the school year and we were going to graduate this year. this year has been filled with so many ups and downs but at least i found jennie. they just called up all of the students to accept their diploma. 

after the graduation we took pictures and i went up and saw jennie talking with joy and sungjae was right beside her. i snuck up behind jennie and picked her up bridal style. both joy and sungjae were smiling and jennie just looked pissed.

"yah! put me down." jennie said and i set her down on her feet. 

"what's wrong?" i asked and wrap my arms around her waist.

"nothing." jennie said and looked away.

"i know that something's bothering you so spill." i say and look at her. she didn't say anything and i just sigh.

"her parents didn't show up." joy said and hid behind sungjae. 

"what?" i say and look at jennie who was already tearing up.

"my parent didn't show up or the ceremony." jennie said and a tear slipped.

"jen, it's fine they'll be here." joy says and holds her hands.

"jen, they'll come anytime now." i say and look around.

"how do you know?" jennie asked and looked at me.

"i don't." i say and continue to look around. 

i spot two figures with flowers and balloons. i smile and wave to them and jennie didn't seem to notice. they notice me and walk towards me and the other three. i tap jennie's shoulder and she just glares at me.

"what do you want now yo-" she starts and looks at me but catches someone in the crowd. she looks and sees her parents. she runs over to them and hugs them. i smile and i feel sungjae pat my back.

"you did good." sungjae said and continued to pat my back.

"how did you get them here?" joy asked.

"i thought all the flights were all booked." joy said and i nodded.

"they were and i sent out a private plane for them to go on." i said and looked at joy.

"wow. you really care for her." joy said and i nodded.

"well, we'll see you inside after." sungjae said and walked inside with joy. i walked over to jennie and her parents and bowed to them.

"thank you, yoongi for flying us out." jennie's mom said and i smiled and bowed.

"no problem. i just wanted you to be here to see jennie. and to show how much she's grown." i said and jennie holds onto my arm.

"you flew them out here?" jennie asks and i nod. 

"thank you." jennie said and i kiss her forehead. 

"anything for you." i say and i hear coughing. i remember that her parents were right in front of us and we both turn a dark shade of red. 

"well, let's me take a few pictures of you two and then you two can go on in." jennie's mom said and i nod.

jennie's mom takes multiple pictures and her dad stands there and watches us. jennie pulls out a polaroid and hands it to her mom. i wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her forehead. her mom takes the picture and i smile. we wait for it to clear up and jennie smiles. 

"you look adorable." i say and jennie just chuckles.

"mom. dad. we're going to go on in. have a safe trip back home." jennie says and hugs her mom. i frown knowing that her parents aren't staying.

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