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"i think i'm falling in love with you more and more."i whispers and kisses her forehead. i hug her as i fall asleep and we still had one more free day. 

i fall asleep until morning came. i wake up and jennie wasn't by my side. i get up and see jennie come out of the bathroom dressed. 

"ohh..you're awake." jennie asked and i sat up.

"where you going?" i asked and saw jennie dressed.

"um...jisoo unnie and i are going to buy some food for later." jennie said and i nodded. 

"hug?" i asked and stretched my arms out. 

jennie just sighs and walks over to her bed. i grab jennie's waist and pull her into a hug. i pull her into the bed and we both collapse on the bed. i wrap us in the blanket and jennie kept moving. 

"yah stop moving. i'm not going to let you go." i say laughing. she stops moving and hugs me back.

"can we stay like this?" i ask and put my head on her chest.

"i wish but i need to get us some food." jennie said brushing her hands through my head. 

"can you sing for me?" i ask and jennie stopped.

"i don't really want to.." jennie said and i nod. 

"can you rap for me?" i ask and jennie just laughs.

"yoongi maybe later." jennie says and i nod. 

"jennie! are you ready?" jisoo shouts and i release jennie.

"i'll get going. i'll be back soon." jennie says and i nod. 

jennie leaves and i sit up. i look at my phone and it was 10 in the morning. i get up and go to my bag. i look through it and grab a change of clothes. i use jennie's guest bathroom and take a shower. i finish up and get dressed. i walk back to her room and go through my bag again. i see my notebook and pull it out. 

i open to a clean sheet of paper and write down some lyrics:

Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break
I'm scared scared scared of that

Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn't happened
I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you


You're just like a Butterfly
From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you?
You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect
Your light touches, I forget the reality at once  


The small pieces guttered down darkly
From my heart, a barren noise
I don't know if this is reality or a dream
My Kafka on the seaside
Don't go to those woods over there
My heart is still shattering on you
(I just wanted to vaporize like this)
My love that is forever
It's all FREE for you baby

Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break
I'm scared scared scared of that

Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn't happened
I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you

i close my notebook and put it in my bag. i walk downstairs and i see everyone scattered in the living room. 

"yoongi go and eat. jin and jisoo made pancakes." jimin said and i nodded. 

i walk into the kitchen and see a plate with a stack of two pancakes. i smile knowing that jennie saved them for me. i grabbed some butter and syrup and start eating the pancakes. jimin and rose were in the living room. i heard that lisa and jungkook went out. jin and jisoo went out with jennie but i wanted to stay back even though i wanted to go. i finish up and clean the plate. 

 i walk into her room and look around. her room was neat and cozy. she kept everything in place except her desk was messy. she kept it like that because she knew where everything was. i kept my papers like that. 

i lay in bed for a while until i zone out. after i zone out i feel my eyes close. i fall asleep and wait for jennie to come home.

[time skip]

i wake up and see jennie at her desk. i get up and walk over to jennie and wrap my arms around her waist.

"what are you doing?" i asked and she looked at me. 

"writing." jennie said and i nodded. i sit on her bed and looked around. 

"did you ever get your stuffed toys in the car?" i asked and jennie stopped. i look at her and watch her as she gets up.

"no. where's  your key?" jennie said and looked at me. i just shrugged and jennie sat on the floor.

"come on yoongi. i want my toys." jennie whined and pouted.

"fine. let's go." i said and grab my keys in my bag. 

jennie ran down the stairs in her slipper and i put on my shoes. jennie was already out the door and she was waiting by my car. she was hoping up and down waiting for me to open the car. i walk out and open the car. jennie opened the back door and she grabs the two bags. she ran inside the house and i laugh. i close my car and walk back inside. 

i walk upstairs and she jennie on the floor hugging her toys. 

"can't i get a hug?" i asked and jennie shakes her head.

"why?" i asked and jennie continued to hug her kumamon.

"because you wouldn't give me your keys." jennie asked and i sigh.

"fine." i say and lay down on her bed.

"i'm kidding." jennie said and i ignore her.

"hey. don't ignore me." jennie said and started shaking me.

"please. stop. don't ignore me." jennie said and i closed my eyes. she kept shaking me but i just pretended to ignore her. 

"please." she said but her voice cracked. i open my eyes and saw tears in her eyes. 

"jen..." i say and she bursted in tears.

"jen...it's okay." i say and pull her into a hug. 

"i'm sorry." i say and she just kept crying.

"i love you..." jennie said and i kissed her forehead. i pull jennie onto my lap and hug her. she was crying but she was calming down. 

"i love you too.." i say and look at her. 

i cup her face in my hands and lean in. i lean in and close the space between us. i kiss her gently and she was caught off guard. i wrap my arms around her waist and she cups my face. she kisses back in no time and she pushes me into the bed. she laid on top of me and i hold onto her back. i pull her closer and she kisses back. i pull away and she lays her head on my chest. 

"yoongi please stay with me." jennie said and i sigh.

"i will be always be by your side." i say and kiss her forehead.

[end of the chapter]

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