
10 1 5

Well, it has been a long time, and I don't have much time, but I just..

I don't know anymore. 

The Parkland shooting has me feeling strange. 

I'm like, jumpy during school hours, fearing that someone will walk in and shoot us up. 

And I'm not feeling that rested at all during the day. Despite how long I may sleep during the night, I never wake up feeling rested. Fatigue is just inevitable at this point I suppose. 

And oh boy, are there mood swings.

That song up at the top is very very very very very very very very very good. 

It hurts cause it's so painful to know that my son, SpongeBob is a hopeless romantic like me. Well that, and my personal life is a bit complicated. 



I'll be on more often now though, because I'm trying to start writing everyday, upon my english teachers recommendation. 

Peace out,


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