shameless self promo because i am very happy with this book so far. (its a spongebob one)
I'm frustrated and lowkey tired (but I'm only tired because i stayed up till 5 in the morning oops)
I want to catch up on sleep for the next ten years.
my sister's chorus concert is tomorrow, and you better believe I'm going because i like watching/judging other musicians because i like to think i actually sound decent sometimes.
I low-key wanted to join chorus in sixth grade, but when they placed me in orchestra, i realized me being in chorus was a joke because i cannot sing in front of anyone other than family because i get embarrassed real quick that way, but stick with me long enough and you'll hear me sing.
i have "I Can't Help Falling In Love" playing on loop because I'm in a very elvis mood tonight, even though this is the only elvis song i know, if y'all have any recommendations for elvis songs, bleaze (breaking out the arab in me).
i kinda wanna do some tags tomorrow because a) i like doing them and b) i like tagging people
in orchestra, we're playing a piece called Black Sea (amongst others for our spring concert) and it legit sounds like something Patchy the Pirate would listen to.
It sounds very pirate-y.
I can't find any good recordings of it, so you're just gonna have to take my word for it.
I'm working on chapter four of the ao3 fix, i p r o m i s e that i am, but like, its a lil slow going because i push myself to write at least 2000 words for each chapter, bUT GO CHECK IT OUT
thats all for today!!
Me and My Thoughts on Literally Everything
De Todothis is a book of my ranting. expect many.