my head hurts, but that might just be because i had two, yes count them two, iced teas today. Granted, they're only like, four hundred or five hundred ML, because they were in this mason jar i have.
but ouch. seriously. it isn't like that's all I've had, i ate pizza an hour or so ago. maybe its cause its iced tea and i usually have hot tea. or maybe i drank it too fast.
i don't know, it doesn't hurt that bad, so its good.
anyways, I'm a lil more than nervous for school, and i was not before, because i kept watching these videos about the Parkland school shooting, and if y'all know anything about me, its that I'm terrified of horror related things, which includes real life.
guns terrify the tartar sauce out of me, especially as of the last school year.
im also really tired lately, probably jet lag, oops sorry i took an overseas trip kill me, its been six years since I've last been to lebanon.
bbut for real, like, i don't usually get tired during the day, and for the most part I'm not, but like at seven or eight at night for me, I'm ready to go to bed. But i also have been pushing myself to stay up and write and stuff cause I'm stupid and stubborn even when it comes to myself. that last sentence made absolutely no sense. oh well.
i just wrote 200+ words that i deleted because i don't wanna post them. but long story short, I Guess I Miss You from the SpongeBob Musical is a mood right now.
i think I'm gonna update something cause i want to get my mind off things.
Me and My Thoughts on Literally Everything
Randomthis is a book of my ranting. expect many.