Chapter 1

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Hello everybody, this is my first story and I'm super excited. I'm going to try my best,I hope you enjoy and please comment how I can improve it.

I can't remember I time when I wasn't bullied, a time when I could enjoy myself and not worry about who was watching or about what other people were going to think about me. Actually I can, it was sixth grade. It feels like it was centuries ago.

Flashback to sixth grade

"You're the best friend I could ever ask for," He whispered in my ear before we both burst out into giggles. 

He really was the best friend ever. He was the closest friend I ever had and I shared everything thing with him, he was my other half. We were, actually we still are, neighbors and there was never a day when we didn't see each other.

Then after summer break, when we returned for middle school, it was like he was a different person, he started ignoring me, hanging out with the wrong crowd which slowly led to the bullying. My precious Jaden was gone.

3 months ago

I rushed up to my locker hoping that I would be able to avoid Jaden this morning, I couldn't deal with him right now. Unfortunately, fate had different plans for me, he was waiting in front of my locker. I considered just walking away but I needed my books and he had already seen me. I looked down as I walked up to my locker, "Jaden, please move," I whispered loud enough for him to hear. 

"What did you just say to me?" He asked. I could feel his eyes on me, waiting for an answer.

"P-please move,"

"Look at my eyes when you are speaking to me, weren't you taught any manners. It seems that you're more stupid then I thought." 

I looked up for a second but immediately turned away. I couldn't stand it, it was too much. I suddenly felt very dizzy, oh no this can't be happening now; I could feel my heart beat rising; I looked down and saw my hands shaking, I held them tightly hoping they would stop; everything started slowing down, I couldn't think straight, I saw Jaden's lips moving but all I heard were muffled noises. I took off before things could get any worse. 

I ran into the girls bathroom and was relieved when I saw that all the stalls were empty. I locked the door and went up to the mirror. I washed my face and started breathing in and out slowly, I had to relax. I heard the bell ring but I stayed in the bathroom. My breathing had slowed down but I knew that my first lesson was with Jaden, which made me want to take my time, and who knows what he would do to me now. I ignored him and then just ran away. I could feel tears running down my cheeks before I even noticed that I was crying. My whole body started shaking again. I hated my life, I hated everything about it and most of all I hated Jaden. I reached into my bag and took a pill.

A few minutes later, I was calm again, I walked out of the bathroom wondering whether I should just skip class but was abruptly pulled out of my thoughts by a hand roughly grabbing me and pulling me close. I looked up and saw Jaden. His beautiful grey eyes that glittered whenever he spoke, his chiseled, sharp jawline that could cut through...I realized what I was doing and looked away, blushing, I hoped he hadn't notice. "Where the hell do you think your going?" He demanded, " And what makes you think that you can just run away from me whenever you want?"

I pulled away, needing to get as far away from him as possible but I only made his grip on my hand stronger."Are you deaf? I just said, what makes you think you can run away from me," he whispered leaning in closer so I could feel his breath on my neck. 

"Answer me, now!" He shouted, losing his patience.

I looked around hoping there was a teacher, a janitor, anyone that could help me but I was alone, all alone. "If you aren't going to answer me now then I guess we will just do it the hard way," he threatened, "come see me after school, you know where, and if you don't then you will see exactly how miserable I can make your life," 

With that, he walked away. Leaving me in the middle of the hallway, shaking, hoping that this day would never come to an end, that I would never have to be alone, never have to be near him again.

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