Chapter 11

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Hey everybody!! So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was sick. Hope you like this chapter I know its pretty short but I couldn't really think of what else to add to it. The next chapter will be better and longer don't worry. And a huge shout out to the first person that commented and voted @heykenzie thank you so much it means a lot to me.

"Friends" and "Liked you", these were the words that clouded mind the rest of Sunday. What if I didn't want to be just friends? Ugh! I knew that I shouldn't have wanted to be anywhere near him because of all the things he had done and said to me but something about him attracted me and pulled me. In the more I tried to resist it, the more I wanted it.

Soon after our talk he had dropped me off at home. Since then, he was all I could think about, the only thing on my mind. I was so happy; we were finally going to be friends again. I hadn't realized, until then, how much I had actually missed him. As usual, I overthought everything and had decided that it was all a joke, a lie. That he didn't mean any of what he had said.

So on Monday morning, according to what I was sure was going to happen, everything was going to be as always. Jaden was going to be with his group of horrible friends and I was going to be alone, all alone.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

I cringed as my alarm clock rang indicating I had to get up to go to school. I hit snooze as I contemplated whether I should even go to school, whether it was worth it. "If I want to get out of this hell hole of a town," I thought, "I need to go to college. If I want to go to college, I need to finish school first."

Groaning, I got up just as the alarm rang for the second time. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. My room was such a mess so it took me a while to find what to wear, to find a suitable yet comfortable outfit.

 My room was such a mess so it took me a while to find what to wear, to find a suitable yet comfortable outfit

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Eventually I put on black leggings and a thrasher over-sized t-shirt. My hair was all over the place so I just tied it in a messy bun. I looked at myself in my mirror and decided my outfit was suitable for the day. I went downstairs and saw a note on the counter that was from my mom.

*Sorry I didn't get to see you this morning, I had an early appointment. Have a great day at school and I'll see you later tonight.

Love you,


I ate my breakfast because I ain't one of those fake bitches that skips meals especially not breakfast cause it's the most important meal of the day, duh.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my Instagram feed when the doorbell rang. I jumped up. Who was that? A murderer? A burglar? Who? "(#Paranoia) I ran to the kitchen and took a knife because you can never be too safe and better safe than sorry.

I opened the door expecting to see an axe-wielding killer clown, instead, I saw Jaden. He looked me up and down his eyes landing on the knife right before I slammed the door in his face. Why was he here?

I heard him laugh and ran back to the kitchen placing the knife back in the drawer. I went back to the door and looked at a mirror before opening it. "What do you want?" I snapped.

"Hey, hey, calm down. May I ask who were you expecting at the door? Or do you greet all of your guests with a knife in your hand." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Is there a reason you're here or did you just come to annoy me."

"Annoying you is reason enough for me." He smugly answered.

I was about to close the door in his face again but he stopped it with his foot, "I'm here to take you to school, so you don't have to walk."

Take me to school? He must have seen the confusion on my face because he quickly added, " I meant what I said to you yesterday and I really do want to be friends again."

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