Chapter 16

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A few weeks had gone by since my date with Jaden and we had hung out a few more times and I was really starting to like him. There were consequences of this, as I had thought. Chloe's abuse was getting worse by the day. On Friday she slapped me, it had stung like hell but I tried my best to not give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry and thankfully I had concealer in my bag.

Whenever Jaden was around, she would act angelic, as if we were friends but when he turned his back, she would find anyway to torment me: shoving and pushing; name calling, as if anything bad that could be done, she did.

I did my best to make sure Jaden didn't find out because it would make it all worse and to by surprise he didn't even notice except for the few times he had asked me whether I had been crying, I was in the clear.

I had gotten a message from Bryan asking to meet up, I was hesitant at first seeing as the last time I had seen him Jaden attacked him but I decided to go anyway.

We were supposed to meet up at Starbucks on Sunday at noon. It was quite warm so I chose this outfit

 It was quite warm so I chose this outfit

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I had gotten ready and was on my way. When I arrived Bryan was already there, I got my drink and sat down. We talked for around an hour and a half: it was awkward at first but then it became quite enjoyable, he was a great friend.

We both got up to leave and we were outside when he turned to me with a pained expression on his face before leaning in and kissing me. I was too shocked to even realize what was going on. I pushed him off. "Bryan," I said, "Youre a nice guy and I enjoy talking to you but I told you I'm with Jaden,"

"I know but just you deserve someone so much better then that asshole and I want to be the one."

"I'm sorry," I replied, the once friendly atmosphere now turned extremely uncomfortable.

We said our goodbyes and I walked away. The kiss had only lasted for a few seconds but it was enough for a certain shadow across the street to see it and misinterpret it.

I hadn't heard from Jaden the rest of Sunday but I wasn't really concerned as he was probably busy. But on Monday: when he didn't come to pick me up, I was confused. The walk to school gave me time to think about everything. Jaden, the Bryan thing and Chloe.

After second period, Jaden wasn't at my locked waiting for me as usual. I had decided he was probably just sick and made a mental note to stop by his house after school to see whether he was okay and if he needed anything.

I was getting books from my locked when I heard two freshmen next to me gossiping about some video on their phone. "OMG, don't they just look adorable together?" one squealed.

"I know right, I'm so jealous, I wish I had someone like him," the other replied.

I laughed quietly at their ridiculousness, gushing over some guy who was probably just another cheating jerk. I leaned over to get a view of whom they were looking at and when I did my heart stopped. I was so stupid.

The two people in the video they were looking at, the "cute couple" were Chloe and Jaden. Yes, the Jaden who had asked me to be his girlfriend not long ago and yes, Chloe the bully. I was furious, how dumb was i? I had actually believed that he had some feelings for me, that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me and yet there I was, my heart cracked.

My pulse quickened, eyesight blurred, head spun. I pushed everyone out of the way stumbling to the bathroom. Luckily it was empty; I ran to a stall and vomited. How dare he? I sat on the floor of the bathroom and lightly raised up my shirtsleeve, tracing the scars on my wrist "Do it," a distant voice said but I closed my eyes, got up, cleaned up and walked with my head high out of the bathroom.

I stormed over to the cafeteria; I needed to have a word with Jaden. Did he think he could just say all those things to me and do the exact opposite? I didn't think so. I glanced around and what I saw made me sick to my stomach, again. Any hope of eating was out the window.

Chloe was sitting in Jaden's lap whispering something into his ear, giggling. He smiled at her and then kissed her the way he had kissed me. He opened his eyes and our eyes locked and I could see a strange emotion pass through him, hurt?

I walked up to them "Jaden, could I have a word with you, in private,"

Chloe sighed and turned around with a look of disgust on her face but quickly covered it with her signature fake smile, "Sorry honey, he's busy now," she answered instead of him.

I could tell Jaden was trying to look anywhere but at me and was confused, what had I done? "I wasn't asking you, Honey," I shot back, "I was asking Jaden,"

Ignoring me, "Baby, you can't talk right now, right?" she asked him

He cleared his throat, "Um, yea. I can't talk Ashley."

"Alright then, come find me when you can,"

He finally looked up at me but instead of finding his eyes warm and goofy: they were cold and filled with hatred. I chuckled and turned around walking away.

This is pretty much how the next two weeks went for me. I was back to sitting alone in the cafeteria or eating in the bathroom when I had enough of Jaden's and Chloe's PDA. I had no idea what was going on or what made Jaden change but I was over it. I had given him another chance like he had asked, he promised me he wouldn't be a jerk and he broke his promise.

Since I was back to null In the friends department, I gave Bryan a call and we hung out a few times and gotten quite close but he knew that I wasn't interested in a relationship. I opened up about what had happened with Jaden and I could tell he was trying hard not to tell me I told you so and I appreciated it.

I hadn't told my mom what had happened which was not good since I normally told her everything. She could sense something was wrong so she texted the doctor to see if maybe my dose needed to be higher and she was right.

I knew that I should have been taking my medication but it made me feel lifeless so I just put it at the back of my shelf hoping my mom wouldn't notice.

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