Chapter 13

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I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, I went through a really bad time of my life but I'm back now, I hope you can all forgive me. Thank you so much for the votes and reads. I love you all!

The rest of that week, and the next, I was driven to and from school and walked to all of my classes by Jaden. I was pleasantly surprised that he was being so nice to me. It made me even happier that I was pissing Chloe off by spending so much time with Jaden.

On Wednesday night two weeks later, I lay in bed studying for a biology test I was having the next day when I heard something hit my window. I ignored but it kept on happening. I got up and looked out my window. It was Jaden. "Come down." He shouted.

"I can't, it's late. I need to sleep." I whispered.

"If you don't come down, I'm coming upstairs." He said and started walking to the door.

"No, wait. You'll wake up my mom. I'll come."

I threw on a jumper that came up to my mid thigh and rushed downstairs, wanting to get to the door before he did. Before I walked out, I checked myself in the mirror making sure I looked at least a bit decent.

I opened the door and walked out. A small gasp escaped my lips as the frosty night air came in contact with my bare skin. I went up to Jaden annoyed that he made me come out into the cold. "What do you want?" I spit out.

"Jesus, chill. I just wanted to hang out." He answered.

"Couldn't we hang out during the day? Not when I'm supposed to be sleeping."

"Why not? Its not like you need beauty sleep, you're already gorgeous." He said with a wink.

I giggled then immediately mentally slapped myself. I couldn't fall for him he was a player.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Okay, but you have to get me home before 6, that's when my mom wakes up." I told him.

"I will, don't worry."

With that he took my hand and led me to his car, opening the door for me to get in.

We drove around for what felt like half an hour until we reached what looked like our destination. I had no idea where we were but Jaden got out of the car so I followed. We were in some forest opening. They view was incredible. I could see miles of nature ahead of me. He walked up a small path and at the end of it, sat down. I did the same. There was a moment of silence, the only sound was the crunching of leaves around us as some animal walked around.

"This is where I would always go to calm down after I had a fight with dad." He whispers. "It's a special place for me, I wanted to share it with you so you could see that I'm genuine with wanting to become friends again"

He looks at me and I can see his eyes go to my lips, he slowly starts leaning in and I did as well. Just before our lips connected, I stopped, "We can't do this Jaden, it's wrong, you have Chloe"

"I know" he exhaled, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening, I really like you."

I laugh, "I bet that's what you say to all of the girls you bring here,"

"I've never taken any girl here, this is a special place and I can only bring a special girl here."

I was in shock, was he talking about me? I highly doubted it, why on earth would I be special? We laid down, gazed at the stars and slowly drifted off.

I woke up with a jolt, I looked to my side and say Jaden, the sun was starting to rise, "Oh shit." I whispered.

We fell asleep and time flew by. "Get up Jaden!" I yelled, "Get me home,"

My mom would have killed me if I left the house in the middle of the night without asking and then didn't return home the next morning when she was awake. I could see Jaden stirring up with confusion in his eyes then when he looked at me he jumped. "Shit," he said.

We ran into the car and sped home, I was praying to god that my mom had already left for work seeing it was 7am.

When we got to my house, Jaden apologized that he fell asleep but I told him it wasn't his entire fault, I fell asleep as well. I saw my mom's car in the driveway and knew that I was in trouble. I couldn't remember the last time my mom was mad at me.

I unlocked the door and saw that Jaden's car was still in the driveway. I turned towards the house and walked in. My mom rushed to the door and hugged me "Oh god Ashley where the hell where you? You scared me so much. I had knocked on your door to tell you that I was leaving for work and when you didn't reply I opened the door and guess what? You weren't there"

"I'm sorry mom, its just-"

"Ma'am I'm sorry it wasn't her fault I wanted to show her the sun rise and we fell asleep," Jaden answered in a nice tone.

When did he even get in? I didn't hear the door open. My mom gave me a skeptical look but then said "Okay, we'll talk later Ashley, have a nice day at school, love you."

The whole day I felt sick to my stomach, what did my mom mean by "we will talk later"? Jaden was trying to reassure me that everything was fine and she probably just wanted to see where I was but he didn't know my mom the way I knew her. Shit was going down today.

When I came home today, with a shaky hand I opened the door. Thankfully she wasn't going to be home for a while, she told me she had to work late. I made one of her favorite dishes for dinner chicken with zucchini and mozzarella.

When she came home, I had made food, cleaned up around the house and done my homework. She sat down at the table and we began to eat. "I know what you're trying to do here Ashley, I'm no fool. You're buttering me up so I'm not mad at you because of today."

Of course she knew, I was being too obvious. "Don't worry honey," She continued, "I'm not mad. I'm happy you are hanging out with Jaden again; I've always liked him. But, I can see he's changed, he's not exactly that sweet and cute little boy he used to be. I don't mind if you hang out with him I just don't want him to rub off on you in a bad way, I can tell he's not the best influence"

I exhaled "Of course not mom, don't worry."

"Alright honey, I love you"

The rest of the night was spent laughing and watching movies together.

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