Chapter 5

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Hey guysss. I hope you are enjoying my story because I enjoy writing it, if you can recommend anything for me so I can make it better, please do. Enjoy.

I was woke up by the sound of my alarm clock ringing. Oh no, its Monday, Jaden was probably going to tell the whole school about the incident that happened on Friday, I would never hear the end of it. I threw on a over-sized grey sweater and black leggings. I put my hair into a tight ponytail and left for school. I couldn't see Jaden's motorcycle so I suspected that he was already at school.

I came to school and rushed to my locker, I was expecting people to be laughing at me or at least whispering but they weren't, nobody was.

The day passed quickly and Jaden wasn't there, he was probably just skipping school because he didn't really care.

He didn't come the next day, or the next in fact, he didn't come to school at all the following week. I was relieved yet, for some reason, worried.

On Friday, after school, I went to work. I worked at the cinema. Most people probably would have found it boring, but I didn't. I actually had great friends there, especially Bryan, we always had the same shifts so we got to know each other very well.

A movie had just started and there were no more customers to serve so I sat down on a chair behind the counter and pulled out my phone. I could feel Bryan staring at me but I chose to ignore it thinking he would just turn away.

A few minutes passed and I could still feel his gaze on me. I turned around and asked "Is there anything I can do for you Bryan?"

He started fidgeting with his uniform, he looked nervous, it was weird, nobody had ever been nervous when they were with me before. "I was just um, I-I," He stuttered, "My brother and I are throwing this party tomorrow and I was just wondering whether you wanted to come."

I was shocked, nobody had ever invited me to a party before, I didn't know how to react, what to do what to wear and how to behave at a party, "Um yea, sure," I answered hoping I sounded casual, "I'd be happy to come."

"Yes, great!!" He shouted, "I mean, cool. It starts at 8 but you can come whenever "

I burst out laughing. "Okay, cool. See you then."

I'm sorry that this chapter is super short but I promise I'll make the next one much longer.

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