Chapter 15

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Thank you guys so much for 400 views, it means so much to me. I know I haven't been active recently and I'm sorry but I've been going through a lot recently. I'll try to be as active as I can.

As soon as I came home, I told my mom all about my conversation with Jaden and asked for advice. Surprisingly she told me I should go, that I should live more, enjoy my young years. It was as if she had completely forgotten about what had happened not long ago and when that she told me to be careful with Jaden. So, after a bit more thinking, I called Jaden, "Okay," I said as soon as he picked up.

"Okay?" he answered clearly confused.

"I mean okay, I'll go on a date with you."

There was a brief silence, which worried me, maybe it was all a joke and I fell for it.

I was about to laugh it off pretending as if I was just playing along but before I could, he said "Wait, are you serious? Thank god, I promise it'll be great. You wont regret it."

I laughed. "Ill pick you up at eight tonight, is that okay?"


It was seven thirty and I had gotten out of the shower and I had absolutely no idea what to wear. My room looked as if there were a tornado, clothes were thrown all over. I tried on multiple outfits but nothing looked good. In the end, I decided to wear a black skirt, black boots and an orange sweater. It was fall, after all.

 It was fall, after all

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We drove around for a bit before I asked where we were going since he hadn't let me know earlier but instead of finding out, he just told me I'd see soon enough

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We drove around for a bit before I asked where we were going since he hadn't let me know earlier but instead of finding out, he just told me I'd see soon enough.

Less than ten minutes later, we had arrived and what looked like some kind of bar. As soon as we entered a few guys approached us, all of them seemed to know and be friends with Jaden. "Is this the lovely Ashley you've been telling us about?" one asked.

I immediately blushed, had he been talking about me with his friends? Jaden nodded, "Wow," another of his friends said, " She's even prettier than what you said."

"Alright boys enough," Jaden told them, "We're going to go get a table."

He took my hand and led me close to what seemed like some stage. We sat down at a table and soon a waiter came over to serve us and it seemed that he knew Jaden as well. "Yo, dude. How've you been?" the waiter asked.

After a bit of small talk he said, "So what can I get you and this pretty lady you've got here?"

"I'd like a coke," Jaden replied, "and she would like a..."

He turned towards me "Water's fine, thank you."

"Alright, a water and a coke coming right up."

"So, do you come here often?" I asked.

"Yes, I do and you'll see why soon enough." He answered.

A bit later, Jaden had excused himself to the bathroom so I took my time to look around. The stage was still empty. I heard the melody of one of my favorite songs come on Perfect by Ed Sheeran. The intro was over and the words had begun but instead of hearing Ed Sheerans voice, it was someone else and theyre voice sounded very familiar. I quickly looked at the stage, it was Jaden, he was singing and looking at me directly in the eye.

When the chorus came, Jaden started dancing on stage and pointing at me as he sang the lyrics and I couldn't help but laugh. I really liked seeing this goofy side of Jade and not just a serious one.

Way too soon the song had finished and everyone was applauding him including my self. He stepped off the stage and was walking towards me when someone else went on stage and started singing; I then realized that this place was a karaoke bar. Who would have thought that a big tough guy like Jaden would be a regular at a karaoke bar.

A few moments later, Jaden was at my side "Congrats," I told him, "I never knew you could sing well."

He smiled, "Your turn now."

"No, no, no, no, no." I said, "I'm not singing, no thanks"

"Come on," he whined, "You have to, if I did it so can you."

I stayed silent, "Would you do it if I sang with you?"


So, a few songs later, Jaden and I got on stage and sang our hearts out.

We spent a few more hours listening to people sing and singing ourselves. After singing a few time with Jaden, I finally had the courage to sing alone and it was great. When Jaden dropped me off home later that night I was on Cloud Nine. It was probably the most fun I had had in ages and I was thankful for Jaden being there with me.

Saturday and Sunday whizzed by and before I knew it, I was on the way to school on Monday morning. Jaden had picked me up and we were talking nonstop.

My cheery mood had lasted all the way to first break. I was at my locker waiting for Jaden when Chloe and her "gang" approached me.

"So," Chloe started, "I heard you went on a date with my boyfriend, bitch. That wasn't very nice of you was it? Well don't worry it wont happen again because the only reason he went out with you is because he pities you. Come on, you didn't really think he liked you."

They all burst out laughing as if that was the stupidest thing they had ever heard. "Please why would he ever like you? You're a fat, ugly, stupid, worthless whore and anyone who likes you is mentally retarded or just wants to get into your pants."

"Chloe," one of her minions whispered, "Jaden's coming,"

She leaned in and hissed "If you ever go out with Jaden again or tell him about this conversation we had, trust me when I say I will make you regret it."

When Jaden was close enough to hear us, Chloe plastered on a fake smile, hugged me and said, "Alright by Ash, see you around."

Jaden came to me with a weird look on his face, "Are you alright?" he asked with a concerned voice, "What was that about?"

"I'm fine don't worry," I replied trying my best to stop my tears.

"Good, so I had a lot of fun that night at the bar and I think you did too. So, I was wondering whether you'd be my girlfriend?"

He pulled out a stuffed teddy bear and a box of chocolates. Who knew Jaden had a romantic side? I thought about it for a moment and about what Chloe had said, how shed make me regret it if I went out with Jaden again but I decided that I would deal with that if it happened because I really like Jaden and was willing to deal with the consequences later. "Okay, I'll be your girlfriend," I answered.

A huge smile broke out on Jaden's face just as he was about to say something the first bell rang so we said goodbye and went our separate ways.

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