Chapter 17

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Another week or so passed until it started again. Not only was Chloe bullying me but to make matters worse, Jaden started again. It wasn't as harsh as it used to be but it stung more because of what had happened between Jaden and me and I was off my medication so all the negative emotions were multiplied.

One of the times when Jaden and Chloe approached me, she took my phone while I was texted Bryan, "Who are you texting? An imaginary friend? Nobody would actually want to text you. Its someone named Bryan, is that your dad?" She asked full well knowing that my dad had passed away.

I looked up and Jaden and saw a flash of anger and jealousy flash through his eyes. What was wrong with him? He laughed, "You're dating that piece of shit?"

"We're just friends, I'm taking relationships slowly since I clearly have a crap taste in guys."

Chloe's mouth dropped open and was about to say something, I knew my comment probably wasn't the smartest idea but to be honest I didn't give a damn, Jaden completely deserved it. Ignoring my comment he answered, "Huh, I didn't know "just friends" kissed each other, did you Chloe?"

He turned to her and she shook her head with a vicious smile on her face. She opened her mouth to say something to me but once again he interrupted her, "Come on Chloe, let's go. I don't want to waste anymore time on her,"

She dropped my phone onto my desk and they both walked away. What did Jaden mean when he said just friends didn't kiss each other? Had he seen it when Bryan kissed me a few weeks ago? But I pushed him off immediately. Was that what this was all about?

When I came home, I was alone. My brain was working so hard I got a pounding headache and burst into tears. All this emotion I was keeping in myself recently was pouring out. I felt that it was my entire fault; I shouldn't have been so dumb. The little voice at the back of my head wasn't helping and was growing louder and louder.

I went to the bathroom and took out my razor examining it. If I did it, I knew there was no coming back but I needed to feel the pain, to punish myself. I put the sharp blade onto my gentle skin and cut a straight line on my wrist, the crimson blood seeped out of my like a fountain, I had forgotten what it was like, the pain was excruciating. Yet, that didn't stop me from doing it again and again until I broke down and laid down on the bloody bathroom floor sobbing.

The next day at school, Jaden was already waiting for me at my locker and my breath hitched, I couldn't deal with him right now. I pulled down my sleeves and turned the other way "Oh Ashley dearest," he called, " I hope you aren't running from me. Come back here"

A few seconds past before I felt the strong tug at my hand, a strong hand clasped around my wrist making me wince as it pressed my fresh cuts. "I said," Jaden whispered into my ear making me shiver, "Come here now."

He squeezed my wrist tighter making tears start to form in my eyes he looked up and saw me and quickly let go, brought my arm up to him and pulled my sleeve up exposing the cuts to him, "Oh my god Ashley, no. No, no, no, no are you okay? Don't do this please. God what the fuck. Ashley, you promised me you wouldn't."

I was fuming. He thought he could be horrible to me one moment and then get mad at me because I broke a promise and be worried, "Are you fucking serious. Jaden? Why? Do you hear the things you and your little girlfriend say to me daily? You have no idea how much all this affects me; I don't even know what I did wrong. And you have no right to get angry for breaking promises, I don't get what has happened with you but you've changed, you're back to how you were before and I don't like it. If this is how you plan to be then don't bother talking to me ever fucking again, got it! And you have no right to ask me to do anything for you, asshole!" I turned and stormed off leaving him and many people around us in shock.

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