Chapter 14

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I tried to distance myself away from Jaden but he wouldn't leave me alone. It was so strange this feeling. Having him always there since he hadn't been for the last few years. I wasn't quite sure how much I liked it.

I was studying for the upcoming physics test I was going to have on Friday when my phone vibrated; I picked it up and saw that it was Jaden. "I need to ask you something, " he had sent.

"If it's whether you can copy homework, I'll just let you know in advance that it's a no," I answered annoyed that he was bothering me while I was supposed to be studying. "I'm busy right now, we can talk later."

"First of all it's not about homework and second of all it's kind of urgent."

"Bye Jaden." I replied hoping to end the conversation.

I put my phone away and was pleased when it didn't vibrate indicating I got a message. I went back to studying but as soon as I picked up my pen, someone started calling me. I rolled my eyes wondering who it could be. It was Jaden; I picked up and said in an irritated voice, "Listen Jaden, I don't have time for this now. I have an important Physics test this Friday and I need to-"

"Go on a date with me" he interrupted.

"Go on a-what? What do you mean?" I asked in disbelieve sure my ears were playing tricks on me.

"A date. You know, when two people like each other, one of them asks the other to a date and-"

"I know what a date moron." I snapped, "I don't have time for these jokes Jaden; I'm supposed to be studying."

"No it's not a-"

I heard as I was ending the call. He had to be kidding, right? Why would he want to go on a date with me? He had Chloe: she was so much better than me and prettier.

The next day, I made sure to wake up earlier so Jaden wouldn't pick me up: I wasn't sure how to react to what had happened the day before. Luckily I made it I walked to school and told my mom to tell Jaden that I had already left if he came to pick me up.

As soon as I arrived to school I rushed away to my classroom thankful that I didn't have many classes with Jaden so I didn't need to see him soon.

During first break I was able to sneak of to the library but for lunch break I wasn't as lucky, he had seen me and called me. I turned around and walked slowly towards him thinking of what to say. "Hey! I came by you're house this morning but your mom said you had already left, is everything okay? Where were you first break? I couldn't find you."

I just shrugged because the truth would sound idiotic "Oh, I was just hiding from you in the library because I don't know how to answer the question you asked me yesterday." As if I would say that.

He nodded, "So? Will you go out on a date with me?"

Crap, he had to bring that up, didn't he, "Look Jaden, I'm glad that we are friends and all but-"

"I'm not going to take no for an answer Ashley, at least think about it, please? He begged.

"What about Chloe?" I asked, "Aren't you two like dating or something?"

"No, we aren't dating, she just wont accept the fact that we broke up. We dated before but she cheated on me with half the football team and now she won't leave me alone."

I didn't know what to answer; my mind was racing. Did I want to date him? "Oh please," a voice in my head said, "as if he would ever want to date you. Look at yourself you're filthy and hideous. He just feels bad for you, everyone does. They all pity you"

I blocked out the voice, looked at Jaden and smiled "I'll think about it but I've got to go now, I have Mr. Anderson next and you know what he's like when you're late."

"Okay, I hope you say yes though. I really like you Ashley. See you next break." He said with a grin on his face.

I turned around and couldn't help the huge smile that was coming or the giggles. Jaden had said he liked me, a lot. I couldn't believe it, I never thought he would like me."

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