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Sebastian's Second Sister part 15


••• Violet's point of view•••

My feet made imprints in the sand as I walked along. I had a woolen jumper on but the cold wind blew through the clothing. The sky was grey and darkened. The water that lapped at my feet was freezing, it numbed my feet. I looked around and realized that I was not alone. There was a tall boy walking next to me, he had black curled hair and hazel eyes. He looked down at me thoughtfully as he walked in the water beside me.

"Violet, I don't care about your past..." His deep melodic voice drifted off.

I was inclined to talk to the boy. "What do you care about then?"

"Family." He smiled, somehow deep down I had a feeling I knew what he was talking about.

He swung his arms beside him, I saw a glint of gold on his hand. It was a wedding ring, this boy that was walking beside me was married to someone.

The wind blew my long hair into my eyes it cut through my vision. I pushed the hair out of the way and looked back at the boy.

He was no longer there, instead Sebastian pranced along beside me. I frowned when I saw a long scar running along the back of his hand. I grabbed his hand and ran my thumb over the scar.

He laughed. "Our love was violent sometimes wasn't it?"

I found myself laughing along with him forcefully, though I couldn't understand what he meant. The big question was where did the other boy go? The one with the dark hair and hazel eyes?

"I'm sorry," Sebastian said and I turned to face him.

I moved for him, attempting to stop him. He was holding a knife to his throat, Sebastian quickly flicked the knife and he crumpled to the ground. I put my hand to his throat to try and stop the blood from coming out.

"Help!" I screamed and the boy appeared by my side.

I looked at him, I could see my distorted face in his eyes. "Please help me save him Kyle."

I don't know where I got the name Kyle from, I just guessed that I already knew this boy from somewhere.

"Let him die." Kyle said coldly and began to walk away.

I panicked, He was my last chance to save Sebastian.

"Kyle please!"

He ignored me and kept walking.


Someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes to see a worried Sebastian in front of me. It was all a dream. I leapt forward and hugged Sebastian. The sheets that surrounded us, crumpled as I pulled him closer. He was alive. There was no guy named Kyle, well there is a Jordan Kyle but he looked nothing like that. It was just a dream.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian sounded worried and his face was paler than usual.

I nodded. "Yep." I watched as some of the color returned to him.

"What happened?" He asked.

I steadied my breathing. "I had a nightmare..." He didn't push me any further. Sebastian knew that I didn't want to talk about it.

A question lingered in my head though. Why would Sebastian want to kill himself? Why did he say that out love was violent? Well obviously it wasn't real, it was just a dream. None of that stuff actually happened maybe it was just everything good in my head being turned into bad. I held onto Sebastian not wanting to let go, I was afraid that if I did he would fade away laving me all alone. I've never been so afraid in my life.

* * *

One month later.

I had fully adjusted to the apartment now, I knew where everything was like I had been here all my life. Clary still didn't know about me and Sebastian, thank goodness. We had come to some sort of truce with her. Everything was neutral. My love for Sebastian had to be hidden out in the open but there is always something else going on behind closed doors.

Clary and Jace were sat on the sofa together, Clary was wrapped in Jace's arm. Whereas I had nobody to hug. I wanted just to turn around and jump onto Sebastian's lap. I was on the ground leaning on Sebastian's legs as he sat on the recliner. It was the nearest I could get to him without Clary suspecting a thing. We were watching re-runs of the amazing race on the plasma.

"I like the hockey players," Jace said thoughtfully. "Baytes and Anthony."

Clary agreed with him just because she could.

"Team youtube!" I shouted out.

Clary laughed. "Joey and Meghan?"

I nodded. I was rooting for them because they were my favorite you tubers ever and they kept the spirits up on the show.

"I think I like the newlyweds," Sebastian said and snuck a wink at me.

Jace laughed he obviously saw the wink. Clary looked around for the reason why he laughed, she didn't know.

The episode ended and Sebastian stood.

"I'm going to go have a shower then read a book."

He explained what he wanted to do, he looked at me and held his hand out. "Do you want to come with me?"

I looked to see Clary scowl at his outstretched hand. Sebastian must've felt the tension in the air and rephrased his words. "Not to the shower, just to the room to read a book."

If I took his hand Clary may get suspicious but I wanted to go with him so badly. I couldn't resist the offer and we soon found ourselves alone in his room.

I pulled Great Expectations by Charles Dickens off of the shelf and sat on the bed to read it. I leaned up against the post that supported the bed. Sebastian entered the bathroom. I was starting to get into the book, I got up to where Pip first meets Miss Havisham when Sebastian walks out of the bathroom with only his underwear on. His platinum hair was wet from just having a shower, he thought it would be a good time to hug me.

He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the bed. I screamed because he was still wet and cold. He spun me around in a circle before our eyes met. When our eyes connect it gets pretty dangerous I find that I can't look away from his dark orbs. He stumbled to the bed where he let me lie on it. He jumped on top but I didn't like how drops of water from his hair was landing on my face.

I scrunched up my face. "Sebastian you're getting me wet!"

He made a low humming sound. "Yeah I know."

Did he just... Oh hell no!

I slapped his bare chest. "No! Not like that you dirty thing!"

He raised his eyebrow. "But I just had a shower.How can I still be dirty?" Sebastian acted so innocent but really he wasn't.

I was sick of this position so I rolled us over so I was sat on top of him.

I leaned down and kissed him. I closed my eyes as his hands started to wander. They made their way under my singlet and up exposing my skin. My hands wrapped themselves around the back of Sebastian's neck, the kiss lingered for a moment more until the door swung open.

Clary stepped into the room. "Hey Violet I just wanted to- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She had looked up from the floor and looked at us.

It had taken her a moment to register the scene but I guessed it looked pretty bad with me on top of a shirtless Sebastian, whereas my shirt was halfway off with his hands rested on my bare back.

Her mouth dropped open as she tried to figure out what was going on. I was in so much trouble.

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