Deflect/ Block

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Sebastian's Second Sister part 18

Deflect/ Block

••• Violet's point of view•••

Te amo.

The words repeated in my head.

Why were they repeating in my head? Why? I ran a hand through my hair and rolled over on my bed. My last memory of him was so vivid. I remember the tear rolling down his pale cheek, the crimson blood that dripped from the cut I gave him, the flash of green in his eyes.

I remember when he walked into the darkness, away from the other shadowhunters. Away from me.

There was a soft knock at my door. The door I had barely remembered from my childhood. Yep, I'm back at the old apartment, where I grew up for a small part of my life. My room had changed, instead of the small child's bed I was now lying on a double bed. It was pushed up against the wall opposite the door, on the other side of the room it had a small window facing the brick alley wall.

Underneath the window there was a wooden desk with a bookshelf beside it. I had a built in wardrobe on the remaining wall. The room was small, but big enough for me to do a backflip off of my bed and roll into a crouch. The walls were a dark grey. They reminded me of Sebastian's apartment which was destroyed. I wonder where he is now that shadowhunters are hunting him and his home was destroyed.

Urgh there I go thinking about him again. The knocking on my door bought me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it?" I asked.

A soft voice came from the other side. "It's Mom here. Violet are you going to come out soon? If you don't you'll starve."

She reminded me of eating. My stomach grumbled but I ignored it's protests.

"No thanks." I heard her sigh in defeat then leave.

I seriously needed some air; to stretch my legs. I had been in here for a week now. I just can't be bothered with anyone except for him, he's gone though.

I pulled on a grey coat and scarf over my white shirt. I tucked my black tights into my boots along with a steele and a extra seraph blade I had picked up at the institute.

I flung myself out the window and onto the fire escape, I began to climb down the ladder to the ground. I jumped the last few rungs and ran through the night.

* * *

I walked out of the hair salon. I had very little mundane money to spend but I was going to use it wisely. Wow, very wise getting your hair dyed at 6:00 at night. My hair was now a bright platinum colour now. It reminded me of Sebastian but I was sick of being identified as Violet Fairchild instead of Violet Morgenstern. I pushed it out of my eyes and walked along the street.

Te amo.

It was still in my head. The bright neon lights of the tattoo parlor lit up the pathway like a sign from Raziel himself.

Te amo.

I knew what I had to do. I walked into the tattoo shop and looked around. I was a year younger than the legal age to get one so I was glad that I had put a glamor on to make me look about 5 years older.

I picked out the tattoo I wanted and handed it to the cashier. She had bright pink hair, a couple of lip rings and some tattoos herself. She took the picture and my money, she beckoned for me to walk around the desk.

"Sit here and he'll be with you in a second." The cashier said, placing the picture on a nearby table before she walked off.

I waited in the chair a few minutes, gathering up the courage. I tried not to think about it much because I realized I would probably wimp out and leave. It was rare for shadowhunters to have actual tattoos but I had seen a few in books at the institute.

A tall and slender person walked into the room. He had hazel eyes and short dark curled hair that was the colour of coal.

"I know you." I had only realized I had spoken when he replied.

"Yeah we went to kindergarten together."

I wasn't expecting that response. I only remember him because of the dream.

He was playing with the tattoo instruments on the table avoiding eye contact with me.

"Kyle." I said, making sure wether that was his name used in the dream.

He nodded and held up the picture for me to see.

"Is this what you want?"

I nodded. "Yeah the font, umm, with te amo written on it?" I asked cautiously, I didn't actually know what it meant but it was his last words to me so I wanted to remember him.

"I love you," Kyle said.

It took me a moment for me to realize what he had just said.

I choked. "Excuse me?"

"Um, I- I'm," he stuttered. "It means I love you; te amo."

"Oh, that makes sense then. Wait! Is that what Sebastian said. By the angel."

He gave me a look and I realized that I had spoken aloud. I put a hand to my mouth in shock. He just waved it off and fiddled some more.

"Where do you want it?" He asked, motioning with the tattoo gun.

I pointed to my left wrist. He raised an eyebrow due to this. "The wrist is the thinnest part of skin on the body, it will hurt a lot. Are you sure?"

I nodded and he put the needle to my skin.

* * *

I opened my eyes as Kyle wrapped a bandage around my wrist.

"There all done."

It stung a bit but I didn't mind, I'll just put an iratze on it later. I pushed my white hair behind my ear and stood up awkwardly.

"So, I'll see you later?" I said making my way to the door.

He nodded, his hazel eyes staring at my hand on the door knob.

I walk out and onto the street. It was almost 9 pm now. The street was dark but the puddles on the ground reflected the dimmed light coming from the nearby street lamp.

I walked slowly down the street, somehow I wanted more of his company, I wanted to talk to him more. The small talk we made when he was tattooing me was comforting.

I heard a yell from behind me. I turned to see Kyle bustling towards me, struggling to pull a coat on.

He caught up to me. My breath hitched as he handed me a piece of paper.

"Call me if you need anything or you just want to hang out." He flashed a smile before he ran off.

I looked down at the small piece of paper, it had his number written on it. Under his number was his name with a small love heart, his hand writing was neat and curled.

I smiled before pocketing the paper. It was starting to rain, I pulled my hood over my head and ran home.

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