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Sebastian's Second Sister part 22


••• Violet's point of view •••

I turned to see Kyle had disappeared, He did exist right? I looked around and heard a door slam shut.

Theo and Kirsty gave each other a look.

I questioned that look.

Theo chose to answer. "Kyle seems to get quite moody sometimes."

Hang on... I've been hanging out with him all day and he's been fine. Suddenly these two people come home and suddenly he acts like this? Something doesn't seem right.

Kirsty was looking at the ground intently. I just waved my hand and made all the problems go away... if only life were so simple.

I slowly walked to Kyle's room. I knocked on the hard wood and called out to him softly.

"Who is it?" He called out. I could hear sniffles from the other side of the door.

"It's Violet," I replied.

A heard a small thump. "I'm fine." He said.

Well obviously he isn't. I walked out of the house and onto the street.

Why is life so dam dramatic? It's even more dramatic being a shadowhunter, but, I know what he needed. I know.

* * *

I walked out of the shop- my bag heavy. I'd spent my remaining mortal money on this trip. KYLE BETTER APPRECIATE TH- no, I'm fine. I returned home quickly and headed for his door.

I knocked on it once more.

I heard a shuffle. "Violet?"

"Yeah," I put my head against the door, "can I come in?"


I went in anyway. I shut the door behind me. I placed the bag on the ground and looked around. It was a cool room, the white walls were plastered with various rock bands and some kitten posters that seemed out of place. His blue bed was in the centre of the room. Kyle was currently sitting at a desk flipping through what looked like a uni application booklet.

I pointed to the kitten posters. "Nice posters."

He smiled to himself closing the booklet and swiveling the chair to face me. He shook his head denying what I had just said.

"Kirsty put them there." Something suddenly flipped in him- he disconnected once more, hiding inside the booklet.

I shoved the plastic shopping bag in his face.

He raised his eyebrow pulling the item out of the bag.


I grabbed them off of him.

"They are for me." I went red, I had forgotten to take them out of the bag.

He pulled his item out of the bag.

"Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Therapy?" He questioned.

Well I have a good explanation for this. "Well, you need therapy and the chocolate part is just a bonus," I smiled pulling the lid to the tub open and shoving a plastic spoon in. "Eat."

He cleaned out the tub of ice cream within ten minutes, in that time I may have nicked a few spoonfuls or so from his 'therapy'.

"You feel better?" I gazed my eyes on one of the cat posters for a moment before returning to him.

He nodded. Like a small child he was sucking on the plastic spoon in his mouth- making strange noises with it every so often.

He suddenly jumped up; spitting the spoon out of his mouth. "Let's play Monopoly!" He shouted pulling the board game out from somewhere.

Something twisted inside me. I felt as though I was going to throw up- memories flooded my mind...


"MONOPOLY!" I yelled and jumped into Sebastian's arms.

"Hell yeah!" He laughed. "I am so going to kick your ass at buying everything!"

I smiled evilly. "Not if I get mayfair first!"

"Oh it is on!"

Sebastian rushed to get the board as I stood there and laughed.


I wanted to break down into tears and cry all over again.

Kyle had noticed my face. "Whats wrong? Are you okay?"

I nodded and put on a fake smile that would convince the world that I was fine.

My eyes flickered towards the board as I continued to smile. "I'm fine."

But I wasn't...

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