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Sebastian's Second Sister part 34


••• Violet's point of view •••

Every morning. Every single morning I am bent over this porcelain bowl. It has been a week since Sebastian found out about the baby. The morning sickness has gotten worse and I reckon Clary is starting to suspect something has been happening, I can't just keep saying I have the flu, what happens when the baby starts to grow more? When I put on weight?

We'll sort it out as it goes, we always do.

* * *

"Hello Jocelyn, do you mind if I take Violet out?" Sebastian's hand wavered over the door handle as he hadn't expected to run into Mom.

My hand was intwined with his, his skin felt warm- his hand was comfortable to hold.

His head had twisted nonchalantly when Jocelyn had made a small cough as we tried to walk out. Maybe she noticed he hadn't come in the door, oh well he was my fiancé we can do what we want now. I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it off, shake it off. It's not like Clary isn't sneaking Jace subtly in at night.

I looked down at the ring on my finger, it was dark in the dimmed light. I saw Jocelyn had taken a glance at my hand too before adverting her eyes to her son.

She smiled, nodding with grace before disappearing into the kitchen.

Sebastian ran his empty hand through his hair, he looked back at me, a mysterious look cast apon his beautifly sculpted face. "Lets go." He twisted his ring and we hurtled through dimensions.

I was glad to see that when the world stopped spinning we were still in the same dimension, and still in one piece. I don't know which one I was more happy about, maybe the second more than the first.

I looked around. We were inside- a large mahogany library surrounded us- it was filled from floor to roof with books. It was very different compared to the institute library, it made me realize that I missed reading despite everything that had been going on. Before everything I ever did was read and now... well I haven't had the time, too busy with my complicated life.

Sebastian's charming smile appeared on his face, the brightness of it the same magnitude as his neon green shirt. I rolled my eyes at his fasion sense- at least he was wearing something other than a shade today. He pulled a worn leather book out of a nearby shelf and handed it to me swiftly. "I want you to have this."

I sat crossed-legged on the floor and stared down at the book in my hands.

"What is it?" I glanced up at him, his tall figure lingered over me before kneeling down on the large geometric rug with me. His able hands ran over the binding carefully, his eyes had softened to a degree when he stared at the book. Memories resurfaced in his dark eyes. His fingers traced the edge of the book- they stopped when they reached my hands. Sebatian's head tilted up.

"It's my journal,"he said. What? Is it too manly to have a diary? " It was the only thing I managed to save from the apartment, I'm sorry. But it was the only thing grounding me in the dark times, I needed it more than anything-you will see that in my writing- that was until you came along. You can begin to see how you made that chapter of the book brighter." His voice was low, nobody else was in this section of the library so nobody could hear us.

Sebastian's warm fingers ran over mine; suddenly grasping them and holding them to his heart. It was beating fast- faster than usual. He held my hands there, with one of his. He clutched them tightly.

With his free hand he ran his fingers through my platinum hair, he smirked at the colour of it but gently fisted his hand. He pulled me closer. His forehead rested against mine, his slightly pale face mirroring mine. Sebastian's heart was beating a million times a second now. "Feel that?" he asked.

His hair was tickling my nose. "Yes?" Sebastian's eyes were millimeters; his lips just further within reach.

"That is what you do to me. Every time I think of you, I see you, I kiss you..." He trailed off with his words, and so did his beautiful eyes. Sebastian's warm lips pressed against mine, his fist of hair slowly released as he used the hand to cup my face. I kissed him back, using the same gentleness and sweetness he was using. My eyes closed and my thoughts drifted.

There was no need to worry about people finding us here, there was no need to worry when I was with him. Was this even the same boy I had met all those months ago in that particular alley? Nope. He had changed, definitely. He was warmer, nicer, happier. Who would've thought all he needed was love to change him?

I felt a space between us as his lips were no longer on mine. I opened my eyes to see his dark green ones staring back at me.


Hey yo!

Sorry for not updating this last week, I wanted too but I possibly couldn't write any more. I was knocked out (insert really funny story here) but I'm fine now.

Promise :) So yeah, there was chapter 34, my music taste changed in the last two days and so did my playlist for this story- I don't know wether that shows in my writing or not.

May the odds be ever in your favor, not flying soccer balls :s




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