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Sebastian's Second Sister part 21


••• Violet's point of view••

I answered the call and waited for Clary to yell.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a gentle tone.

I was shocked, I had thought for sure that she was mad at me.

"Yeah, I'm at a friend's house," I said.

There was a sound from the other side of the phone. As if it was being grabbed off of Clary."Hey Violet!" It was Jace.

His perky voice on the phone made me smile.

"Mine!" I heard Clary say as she grabbed he phone back. "Violet, I heard about the tattoo and the the hair from Mom-"


"No, I'm fine with it. He really had an impact on you didn't he?" her voice was comforting. I was unable to form words.

Kyle clearly saw I was struggling and pulled the phone away. He walked into the kitchen talking to Clary. I just stood there unable to do anything. It felt as though someone had placed their cold hands on my neck. I whirled around to see who was there; I was greeted by no one. Just empty space.

I put my hand to my neck and held the place that it was cold. It felt like there were fingers there just a second ago. Was I going crazy?

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. Kyle handed me my phone back.

"What did you do?" I looked up to see him standing there, an unsure look on his face.

Kyle raised an eyebrow, he was going to ask a question. "I invited your sister over, she's goin' to drop off some clothes and stuff. Is that okay with you?"

So that was her at the door then? Wow that was fast. She probably used a portal to get here that quick though.

I nodded and Kyle tugged my arm, gently pulling me towards the door.

We approached the white wood door. Kyle pulled it open, Clary and Jace stepped inside.

Jace had his hands in his pocket. "Sup?" he said nodding his head towards Kyle.

Kyle smiled then walked into the lounge.

Clary pulled a pile of clothes out of her bag. "Here," she handed me the pile along with my stele and a seraph blade.

"Thanks," I said.

She nodded. "So he is your tattoo artist? He kinda looks familiar."

"Yeah," I paused. "I went to kindergarten with him." Although I had no recollection of those days I went along with it. He is also linked to Sebastian somehow through my dream.

"He looks familiar." Jace rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Kyle looks familiar to Jace? That can't be good. I don't think Kyle is a shadowhunter but then why can he speak latin well? Maybe he took it in school or something. Moves and countermoves.

Clary's green eyes blazed, the green in them brightening. "Will you be okay here?"

I nodded. I trust Kyle, he seems like a good person.

"She'll be fine with me!" Kyle came back into the room and slung his arm over my shoulder.

Clary looked unsure but she agreed and left. As Jace closed the door he turned back, "Did you know that when you blush, the lining of your stomach goes red?" he laughed to himself then left.

Kyle looked to me with a WTF look on his face. I just shook my head in confusion.

* * *

We were sitting in the lounge killing some zombies. Not literally, just pixelated ones.

"To your left!" Kyle yelled.

I shot to the left of the screen killing a approaching zombie in the process. We were being overwhelmed by the zombies.

I threw the controller down in desperation. "I can't take this anymore!"

He laughed and threw his down, mirroring my actions.

He gave me a strange look.

"What?" he was beginning to scare me.

He started making zombie noises- outstretching his arms, he moved for me.

I screamed and ran away from him.

He chased me down the hall limping slowly with a deluded look on his face.

I was trapped in the hallway, I looked to the door as my last source of hope. Maybe if I escape now I can-

Kyle pushed me to the ground. "Brains!" He began tickling me.

I screamed trying to squirm out of his grasp.

The front door opened. Oh thank goodness, Clary came back to save me!

I looked up to see it wasn't Clary but two strangers.

"What are you doing Kyle?" Asked a girl looking down on us.

Kyle laughed and crawled away from me.

"Here," She said holding out her graceful hand.

I took it and she helped me up.

"I'm Kirsty!" She smiled, her white teeth shining brightly.

Her brown hair contrasted her dark eyes. She was slenderly built and looked quite gracefull with every movement she made.

A boy beside her shuffled a bit just as I noticed him. He was quite tall and tanned. He had light brown hair that matched his brown eyes.

Kirsty elbowed the boy in the ribs.

He held out his hand. "I'm Theo, Her boyfriend."

I shook his hand. They were looking at me expectantly waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Uh, I- I'm," I stuttered. "I'm Violet, a friend of Kyle's." I turned to point to the boy behind me. Only to find he was gone.

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