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Sebastian's Second Sister part 26

My idea/edit of Sebastian on the side>>>

Trailer to the side>>>>


••• Violet's point of view •••

I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me. Was that really him? Of course it was, he was the only one to ever call me Vi. He came out the door after me. I kept my eyes off of him and walked down the hallway.

"Vi, wait!" Sebastian yelled out from behind me.

He grabbed my arm. I spun and my hand connected with his face sharply.

My hand stung, and I wasn't even sure why I did it, it just felt like the thing to do. Nobody puts me through that much pain and gets away with it.

He put a bony and pale hand to his cheek, it was reddened from me slapping him. I looked up at Sebastian, he had my attention now. He had a cut running along the base of his neck, his eyes... They had changed. The black had a dark green ring surrounding it, it was a thin line and barely noticeable but I saw it clearly.

His dark grey t-shirt and skinny white jeans made him seem different, he was. Our eyes connected and he put a hand on my waist, bringing me closer to his warm body. Wait, warm?

"I missed you," Sebastian said leaning down slowly.

"What happened?!" Kyle ran into the hallway. We separated awkwardly, seems he was too slow to notice our change in position. "I heard you scream. Who is this guy?"

Theo walked out and stood behind Kyle. Out of he corner of my eye I saw Sebastian move swiftly towards Kyle. Pushing past him, he jumped on top of Theo and pulled out his seraph blade. Sebastian held the blade to Theo's throat threatening the boy.

"Seb, what are you doing?!" I yelled at him.

Kyle looked at me, confused.

Sebastian turned his head to face me, his pale hair flopping to the side of his whitened face. "Did you know he was an Eidolon?" What? Theo was a demon?

In a split second Theo shifted into his true form and attacked Sebastian. Me and Kyle were too stunned to move, our friend was a demon and we didn't even notice.

"Gabriel!" Sebastian yelled, activating the seraph blade. With a quick slash, Theo was killed. His body folding into itself, returning to whatever demonic realm he came from. Sebastian dusted himself off, adjusting his creased shirt. It had small specks of black ichor flickered over it like paint.

I looked past Sebastian to see a girl standing with a distorted look on her face. Her brown hair was messed and shadows under her eyes were as dark as the ichor. "Y- Yo, You k-killed him." She stuttered as the tears ran down her small delicate face.

"Kirsty I will explain," Kyle pulled her into her room. He shut the door. It didn't drone out the loud yells and sobbing coming from inside.

Sebastian looked at me blankly. I still couldn't get over the fact that Theo was a demon. How did I miss that? Well I never saw him in direct sunlight, now I know why. And Sebastian was here... Life just needs to slow down for a minute for me to process all of this.

I ran to Sebastian, jumping on him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and clung onto him. My arms were wrapped around his neck, my head burrowed into his firm shoulder. Tears were spilling out of my eyes like a fire hydrant. His shirt smelled of blood, but I didn't mind, I just was so happy he was here.

He twirled a piece of my hair. "I like it," He whispered into my ear. I smiled to myself, a warm feeling rushed throughout my body. I wanted to tell him to never leave me again, I'd thought he was gone for good, I'd thought that possibly...

* * *

I haven't let go yet. We've been here for an hour and that whole time I've just been sobbing into his shoulder, his legs must really be sore from standing. He was leaning against the wall a bit for support.

Kyle came into the hallway, he walked towards us. A saddened look on his face. Sebastian placed me on my own two legs as Kyle approached.

"Is she okay?" I was the first to speak.

Kyle nodded. "I- s-she should-d be fine." A tear fell onto the floor splattering around his feet. His eyes were red-rimmed and filled with water.

I was instantly worried, would he be okay? "What did you do Kyle?"

His face dropped even further. "We, we need to leave. I made her forget."

"What do you mean, you made her forget?"

He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "I made her forget what she saw, I made her forget everything to do with shadowhunters."

I couldn't be anymore shocked, I wanted to start crying again, that would've been so hard for him. "That means..."

"Yes," Kyle nodded, "I made her forget us."

* * *

I walked in the door with Kyle behind me. We had nowhere to go, except for here, home. Sebastian was collecting Kyle's stuff and putting it into storage for him. Sebastian had placed a glamor on himself before we left so Kirsty wouldn't see him. As much as I didn't want to leave him, I couldn't just let Kyle stay there in pain.

"Mom?" I called out. She should be here, I need to talk to her, even though I don't feel like it, I need to get this sorted out.

Jocelyn appeared from the kitchen, a smile lit up her face as she came and smothered me with kisses.

She then noticed Kyle moping behind me, a confused look rippled across her face.

"Violet, who's this?" She questioned.

"Kyle. He's my friend. We have a problem." I spoke softly, not wanting to start an argument.

Jocelyn raised an eyebrow and motioned for us to sit down, to tell the story.

I was about to speak, but Kyle decided to give it a go. "I offered for Violet to stay with me and my two roommates for a while. I soon found out that she was a shadowhunter too. Early this morning a gu-"

"We found out one of his roommates was a eidolon." I had cut off Kyle before he could mention Sebastian. Nobody knew he was back yet, I thought it was better to keep it that way. Kyle gave me a strange look and motioned for me to go on. "We killed him and Kyle's other roommate saw. She was a mundane and we didn't have glamors on. Her memory of us was... wiped. Kyle can't go back, as it puts her in danger, also he is..." I couldn't continue, it was too much for me, I had no tears left in my system.

"I am a total stranger to her now." I looked up to see Kyle had finished for me. It had cost him something to do so.

Mom saw that were were both wrecked with emotions right now. "Sweetie, Kyle is welcome to stay in the spare room. You both look like you need some sleep. We'll talk later."

And with that we were both ushered to our own rooms. I lay on my bed waiting for sleep to come. My window had a cold breeze coming through it. I shivered. I was too tired to get up and close it though. I was too tired to do anything. I saw a dark silhouette come through the window as I drifted off. They closed it and placed a blanket on my cold body. I was already starting to warm up.

There was a soft kiss on my head and a whisper in my ear. I was too far into sleep to hear the words, they were soft and comforting. My little amount of consciousness slipped away as I fell asleep.

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