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Sebastian's Second Sister part 36



I apologize for keeping you's waiting. My account- a story was deleted- but it's fine now. Also I've been experiencing some mood and character problems. I've recently put up a short story 'Trio' on my account. It's got a few more reasons on there and shows my emotions going haywire. Anyhow here's the chapter.


••• Violet's point of view •••

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked Jill.

"You don't have a baby." She stated.

Dread filled me. A pit ruptured in my stomach, I had surely thought...
Jill's face lifted as she began to grin. "You have two babies. Not one. You have twins Violet."
Twins? It never occurred to me that I would have twins. I had a slight dislike towards Jill for making me think that I wasn't pregnant, that my baby-babies were dead.

I heard Sebastian heave a large sigh from beside me, he was relived. Clearly.
Then Jill asked a question. "Do you want to know their gender?"

"Wait, are they identical twins?" I asked hastily before answering her question. Sebastian eyed me questionably.

Jill shook her head. She waited for an answer. I didn't want to know just yet- I wanted to keep it a surprise, call me old fashioned but I wanted something to look forward to.
I looked to Sebastian, I had to talk to him about this- to check that he had the same thoughts as me.
"I'll give you two a minute to talk." Jill walked out of the room, she'd probably seen all of this before.

Sebastian placed a hand on my stomach, he looked down at it softly. "Twins. Who would've thought?"
Exactly my thoughts. His emerald eyes flicked up from my stomach to connect with my eyes. "Do you want to keep it a surprise?"
I nodded- thank goodness, he had the same idea as me. I really didn't want to have a disagreement over something so little.

He smiled, it was smooth and charming I could stare at him for days upon end and never get sick of his beautiful face- I wonder what our children will look like? If they'll have the same features as him or will they have some of mine.
They'll be amazing no matter what.

Sebastian grabbed my hand. "c'mon lets go then!" He jumped up excitedly and bounced up and down on the spot. I got up- pulling my shirt down. "Lets go!" I laughed as he pulled me down the hallway, we were running for some reason.We passed Jill, she gave a small laugh and waved. The other doctors gave us strange looks as we ran past them. But it didn't matter because we were together.

* * *

We were sat at a small cafe, the one that I had run into Theo at. I didn't tell Sebastian though, he seemed so happy at the moment I didn't want to ruin that.
He ran his fingers lightly through his hair. "Vi, I need to use the restroom, will you be okay for a moment?"
I nodded and ushered him out of his chair. I was scared though at the thought of Theo turning up.

Sebastian went inside to use the restroom, I got out my phone and scrolled through my contacts- I had nine, (Magnus, Alec, Simon, Clary, Jace, Jocelyn, Luke, Kyle and Sebastian." I kept Sebastian on speed-dial in case of my worries becoming real.

They didn't thank goodness. Sebastian hurried back to the table. Something was wrong- something in his face had changed. "Wha-" I didn't get to figure out what had changed for he had grabbed my wrist and jerked me out of my chair. He began to run down the street- dragging me behind him. My muscles were paining and I had a slight cramp in my stomach.

Sebastian looked over his shoulder for a brief second, it seemed as if something was chasing us. "Sebby- what is going on? What happened?" I forced the words out, I was having trouble breathing, I shouldn't have talked, it was a mistake.

Sebastian suddenly stopped in a small space between two buildings, not wide enough to be an alley but wide enough to fit three people standing shoulder to shoulder. He whirled me around and shoved me up against the wall harshly. I winced in pain.

He pushed my arms above my head and held them tightly there with one hand. "Sebastian!" I yelled.
His lips came down hard on mine- moving roughly over my lips. His other hand attached to my throat.
I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. "St-top, please Seb- you're hurting me!"

I looked at his face- it was clear now to see what had changed. His eyes. They were a full orb of charcoal black, not the slightest hint of green left in them. I knew exactly what had happened and when. "Theo..." I whispered.
A dark look overcast Sebastian's face, I was right. My throat burned as he pushed against it harder- strangling me.

I fainted from the lack of oxygen. Well I pretended to faint so he would let me go. It worked. The boy dropped me to the ground. I didn't know what I would do, I didn't want to hurt Sebastian. I would run, but I needed a moment to stun him. I peeked out through one eye. He had his back to me- he was using his phone to make a call to someone. My eyes grazed over the alley, a glass bottle lay conveniently near a small trash can a meter away.

I quietly dragged myself over to it- being mindful of my two little fetus'. I reached out for the bottle. Grasping the cold neck of the bottle I approached him from behind. It was so painful for me to be doing this to Sebastian. I closed my eyes and brought the bottle down on his head. I heard a small thump as he hit the concrete, a small trickle of crimson blood ran down the side of his face.

I tore my eyes away from him and ran. I pushed myself, I felt as though someone was prodding me with a hot iron at every angle. Warms tears streamed down my face as the image of Sebastian lying on the ground reappeared. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't. I had run so far he wouldn't be able to find me.

I stopped to hail a taxi, when a hand went over my mouth.

••• Sebastian's point of view •••

I opened my eyes- urgh. What happened? The last thing I remember was running into the bathroom at the cafe. My head was pounding, there was a warm feel to it- as if it was burning. I put my hand up. Something sticky lingered on my fingers, I looked at it. It was unmistakable, the colour, it was something I had become so familiar with- blood.

I looked around, I was in a small...alley I guess? A smashed bottle lay by me. Where was Violet? My eyes widened, shoot what happened? My phone lay in pieces by the floor. I need help, maybe she went back to the apartment? That was my small piece of hope I had to hold onto.

* * *

I barged in the door. "Violet?!" I called out. Jocelyn bussled into the hallway. "Have you seen Violet?" I asked, hoping she would say yes, and that she is in her room.

Jocelyn shook her head, a sharp pang of guilt ran through me, if something had happened... Kyle approached me- tears escaping his hazel eyes. He held his phone in his hand, it was cracked but the screen still worked. Kyle sobbed as he read out a text. "She's dead." He said.

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