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Sebastian's Second Sister part 20

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••• Violet's point of view••

"Hello?" Kyle picked up his phone immediately.
I sat down on a park bench. "Hi, it's Violet here."
My voice was trembling from the cold and the recent events.
"I'll text you my address and you can come over."
He read me well, it's like he just knew that I was in trouble. Maybe I was just predictable though.

* * *

Kyle's house was quaint. The inside walls were left unplastered so you could see the rough texture of the red bricks. Some doors in the hallway were closed, Kyle explained that he shared the house with two other people that he had met in school.

He lead me through to the lounge. There was a half wall in between the couch and the kitchen. The only other items in the lounge were a small worn rug, a wooden cabinet and a plasma. He plopped himself down on the couch and motioned for me to sit next to him. I guess this is the part where I tell him everything.

I sat on the couch, it was made of a soft fabric and it was quite comfy.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kyle asked, his voice full of concern.
I nodded slightly thinking of the words to say. Of course it was much harder for me right now, I just need some space from my family for a while.

"There was this boy..." I started.

Kyle ran a hand through his dark curls. " Isn't there always?" He joked hoping to ease the situation.

I laughed but anyone could seriously tell it was forced. "He disappeared out of my life not so long ago. It's kinda hard to explai-"

"It's like you are missing a piece of yourself and they just keep coming back into your head," He cut me off unintentionally to speak his thoughts.

I nodded. "How did you..."

He looked at me his hazel eyes watering. They were full of colour; they had flecks of gold and green in them like a forest in Autumn. A tear slipped out onto his pale cheek. I immediately felt bad and apologized immediately.
"No, I'm supposed to be consoling you," he wiped at the tear, "don't feel sorry for me just. . . try to explain."

My right hand twitched slightly. I didn't want to continue but I will anyway for his sake. "I guess it's just hard, suddenly living without him. I. . . I see him everywhere; in everything. His last words are repeating in my head constantly. I just. . ."

He nodded as if he understood everything I had just said. As if he had been through the same thing. "My Mom was asking questions and making it worse, I just need some time away from my family- they make everything so complicated." I finished my story. I missed out some major details; like Sebastian was my brother and I dyed my hair and got a tattoo and made it worse.

The sudden thought of the tattoo made my wrist sting. I welcomed the pain.
"I know how you feel. I am honored that you called me though, was I the first person you thought of or. . . ?" Kyle questioned.

"Yep," I said popping the 'p'. "I looked down at my wrist, so yeah."
He gave a half smile. It was charming yet it held some satisfaction in it like a smirk, though it was not too cocky to be a smirk playing on his face.

He scratched the back of his head, his coal coloured curls bounced. "Do you want to stay with me for a while, get some peace from your family?"

"If it's not too much trouble," I said.

"Trust me, I think it's gonna be fine." He gave me a full smile, it faded when my phone rung.
I looked down at the caller ID. It was Clary.


Chapter 20. By the angel. Thank you guys for 1k reads. Wow. I am so sorry that this chapter is so short I just wanted to update for you's.
Next chapter will be longer and I introduce some new characters.

Thank you sailors :)
Keep being amazing.


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